The charming girl of the farm gate of crossing

Chapter 1280 Disrespectful things

Chapter 1280 Disrespectful things
Otherwise, Qian Dafa is a scheming person, look at how beautiful he said, those who don't know what he is, must be led astray by him.

It's a pity that no matter how beautifully he spoke, Old Master Ye Tou didn't appreciate all three of them.

Ye Laiyin sneered coldly, and straightened out that if the work at home was too busy, he could hire someone, and he didn't need two and a half adults to help.

Then he said yes, Xuyang was fine, there was nothing wrong with him, and he didn't want to say any more unlucky words from them.

The tone is quite cold, and it can also be said to be quite arrogant.

The old Cui was so angry that he was going crazy, and he didn't dare to confront him hard. He stared at the old Qian with a pair of old eyes. "Sister, look at what the second is saying? The family has money It’s not like that, if you have relatives who are free helpers, you don’t need them, so you have to throw money out…”

Every time the word "qian" was said, the tone was emphasized, for fear that old Qian would not be able to hear it.

Old Yetou squinted his eyes slightly, and glanced at Old Qian's calmly, the warning meaning was very obvious.

But old Qian wanted to plot against the second wife in his heart, so he wanted to keep him, and her elder brother had found such a good reason, so he somehow felt his waist strengthen.

"Well, sister-in-law is right, let Huazi and Guizi live in peace and stability, and help his second uncle do some work."

"I said hire someone..."

Before Ye Laiyin finished his cold words, he was scolded angrily by Mrs. Qian, "Aren't you stupid to spend money to hire someone even though you have relatives to help? Why don't you show filial piety to my mother when you have that spare money?"

"Is there not enough for my second room to honor my mother? My mother is really not satisfied."

Ye Laiyin's brows and eyes were cold.

Old Cui subconsciously looked at the silver bracelet on Old Qian's hand, the silver hairpins and hairpins on her hair, and the silver earrings on her ears, and then glanced at the forged dress on her body, which was probably new, envious. Eyes are red.

The second room is really rich!
On second thought, she was no longer jealous.

Hey, it's good to be rich, it's good to be rich, sooner or later you have to go into my mother's pocket.

Old Cui's heart was burning.

She was so excited that she was so excited that she yelled, "How can a son talk to my mother like this? Your mother has made up his mind, and a son just listens to it... ..."

"Oh, what's your plan behind your back, don't pretend that I don't know, and I'm too lazy to go around with you, just explain it clearly here."

Ye Laiyin's eyebrows were cold and his eyes were burning, which made old Qian feel a little timid.

"I'm here to tell you clearly and plainly: don't think about people who shouldn't think about it, don't think about it when you shouldn't think about it, and don't move those crooked thoughts. Not everyone can be calculated by you."

Old Cui was stunned.

Qian Dafa looked deeply.

Ye Laijin and his father looked at each other, watching the situation quietly.

Both Qian Hua and Qian Gui stood impatiently, and when they heard what he said, they felt a little confused, especially Qian Gui, the grandson-in-law appointed by the old Qian family, was unconvinced by thousands of people to Ye Laiyin, and couldn't help it. Just wanted to speak, but Qian Hua grabbed the hem of his clothes and signaled him to be restless and irritable.

Qian Gui was so annoyed that he frowned, looking eagerly to see his master.

"Old Ye's family is relying on two stinky money, so they don't talk about ethics? A junior, just talk to the elders like this? Are there any rules?"

Qian Dafa was in full swing, he was Ye Laiyin's uncle, an elder, a most honorable elder, how could he be controlled by the other party.

But Ye Laiyin was not afraid of him at all.

"Stinky money? You put it so disgustingly, it seems that Lao Qian's family is not short of money!"

Qian Dafa choked and fell backwards.

Did he just talk about money?

The stinky boy did it on purpose, deliberately used this to run on him and save his face.

Disrespectful stuff!

(End of this chapter)

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