The charming girl of the farm gate of crossing

Chapter 1281 What's the matter

Chapter 1281 What's the matter

Qian Dafa knew that Ye Laiyin was not easy to deal with, besides hearing his voice, it was obvious that he had seen something, and he had already taken precautions, if he was not captured this time, there would be no chance again.

"Although the old Qian's family doesn't have much money, they will never wrong the second girl..."

"Uncle be careful!"

Ye Laiyin glared round and round.

Old Cui suddenly became clever this time, "Yeah, take care of the second child, don't worry, your mother made the decision to give the second girl to Takako, she is from the old Qian's family, naturally we won't treat her badly... "


Old Yetou and Ye Laijin looked at the old Qian who shrank his neck at the same time, both shocked and angry.

"Are you crazy, old man?"

"How can mother casually refer to the second girl?"

After listening to Qian Gui for a long time, he cracked his mouth and chuckled triumphantly, and had to take a look at his cousin Qian Hua, the second wife was not only rich, but also had good-looking girls, she was many times better than their direct cousin.

Qian Hua gritted his teeth secretly.

This is something that can’t be helped. It’s not once or twice that his mother has made a fuss at home, but the old aunt appointed this kid, and it’s not easy to change. House, although there is not much money now, but in the future there will be an official brother-in-law, and it will not be easy to make money.

The reason is such a reason, he understands.

But, but Ye Dani changed her name and she was still a bumpkin. She was so dark that she didn't look like a snow dumpling. Ye Xin'er was born beautiful.

Qian Hua was so bored that he wanted to pull his hair.

There was only a few breaths between the two of them flirting with each other. Everyone who had their own thoughts didn't pay attention to the two of them, but Qian Gui was complacent and annoyed by Ye Laiyin's aggressive attitude before, so he wanted to scratch and scratch. he.

"Cousin, don't worry, I will definitely love my second cousin..."

"Fuck you motherfucker!"



"Ouch, it hurts to death!"

Ye Laiyin had already been aroused by Qian Dafa and the old Cui family. If it weren't for his status as an elder, he would have started directly. He was suffering so much, so he came across a sharp-mouthed monkey-cheeked thing that said he loved it. his daughter.

What a rotten thing!
Roll as far as you can!

Ye Laiyin, who was angry, didn't care whether he was round or square, he raised his leg and gave him a comforting foot, kicked the thin bamboo pole Qian Guisheng a few steps away, and knocked over the armchair opposite him , People also plopped kneeling on the ground unable to get up.

This change was so sudden that everyone was taken aback.

Especially Xiao Qian, who was so excited to watch the excitement, was so frightened that he hurriedly dodged away. After Qian Gui knelt down on the ground, she rolled her eyes and giggled, "Ah, get up, dear son, the old man can do it if he hits you!" Can't really..."

"To shut up!"

Ye Laijin drank violently!
At the same time, old Cui started crying with a groan.

That old Yetou was still scolding old Qian.

Qian Dafa angrily accused Ye Laiyin.

The main hall of the upper room of Lao Ye's house was in chaos.

Outside the door, Ye Xusheng's face was like frost, and his eyes were like ice blades.

Taking a deep breath, he forced himself to suppress the urge to kill, and turned around decisively.

At this moment, work in the small doll workshop was about to start, so he needed to keep Second Aunt, Xin'er and Wang's cousin from coming to the front yard.

Coincidentally, he had just turned around the corner of the west wing when he met the group of people face to face.

It was Wang's mother and daughter sending off Bai and Liu's mother and daughter, and Wang Jinling followed Dabai slowly.

"Xu Sheng is back?"

"Eldest Aunt, Aunt Liu, Second Aunt,..."

Ye Xusheng greeted everyone calmly.

Where they were standing, they could faintly hear crying from the upper room.

At first, the group of people were far away and talking, so they didn't pay attention, but now they suddenly heard the movement, and they were all surprised.

Wang wondered, "What's the matter?"

(End of this chapter)

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