The charming girl of the farm gate of crossing

Chapter 128 To hell!Who is so wicked!

Chapter 128 To hell!Who is so wicked!
After playing with dogtail grass for a while, Ye Yuanyuan suggested again, "Let's go find wild duck eggs. I want to eat them all. My grandma saves up all the eggs at home for money, and I don't want to eat any of them."

It seems that it's not just her tits, these old ladies are pretty much the same!He Xiner was secretly embarrassed.

Guan Cuizhi's life at home is not so greedy for wild duck eggs. Seeing Ye Yuanyuan say this, she felt a little sympathetic to her, and took Ye Yuanyuan's hand: "I'll give you both what I found, let's go."

Then she said to He Xiner: "It's fine to put the basin here, we'll be back in a while."

Nodding, the three of them walked towards the depths of the reeds. They walked wildly, but they didn't see any wild duck eggs. Instead, some birds that landed here were startled and flew away with flapping wings.

Ye Yuanyuan's attention was attracted by the bird, and she whispered, "Look at that bird, it's so beautiful, it won't move when it flies to the front, can you catch it?"

Guan Cuizhi rolled her eyes, "You have a good idea, it flew away before you ran over."

Unable to be teased by the two of them, He Xiner laughed until her shoulders trembled.

Seeing that the two of them did not support her, Ye Yuanyuan pouted and said, "I'll grab you and show you, both of you stand still."

After finishing speaking, the whole person bent forward and moved forward bit by bit.

He Xiner and Guan Cuizhi looked at each other with an uncontrollable smile in their eyes.But they all stood still, so as not to invite complaints later, blaming them for making noises.

Ye Yuanyuan was getting closer and closer to the beautiful bird, not daring to let out the air, she walked forward in small steps lightly, and there were still three steps away, the bird felt the danger and flew away, flew away , gone, gone...

Ye Yuanyuan was so angry that she stomped her feet, Guan Cuizhi let out a series of crisp laughter, "Hahahaha, I said you can't catch it."

He Xiner also laughed backwards and forwards, it was so much fun!

Ye Yuanyuan, who was ashamed and annoyed, ran forward and said, "If you laugh at me, if you laugh at me, I will pinch your mouth."

Guan Cuizhi made a face at her, and ran away, letting out laughter like silver bells all the way, the two little friends were chasing and playing in the reeds, and there were noises of fighting from time to time, which caused He Xiner's heart to tremble Tickle, she really wants to shout and laugh out loud~
The two naughty little girls ran away after a while, making He Xiner dumbfounded, ready to go back to the big rock and wait for them.

As soon as she took two steps, she heard the sound of cooing from the river. The river here is relatively deep, and the banks are densely populated with reeds. Neither she nor her friends have been to the river.

Could it be that it is hidden inside, and there are wild ducks or wild birds hiding in it and making their homes?

Go in and see if there are any duck eggs or bird eggs, if you can pick up some, give them to Ye Yuanyuan to eat.I haven't seen her these days. Her little face has indeed become thinner and darker.

He Xiner lightly brushed aside the dense reeds and walked slowly towards the river, when there was another gurgling sound, getting closer and closer to the river, He Xiner wondered why the sound just now seemed to be Clothes?Could it be that someone is playing hide and seek inside?
There were two steps away from the river and stopped. There was no bird's nest. He Xiner squatted down, ready to take a good look at the weeds for wild duck eggs.

Suddenly, I heard a squeaking sound coming from the right side. It is almost impossible for there to be dangerous large wild animals hiding in the reeds. He Xiner thought that someone was really playing hide-and-seek here, and ran out to catch people. Looking back to the direction of the voice, before he could see the person coming, he was blindfolded by the person, dragged him up, and pushed directly into the river.

hell!Who is so wicked!
He Xin'er, who can't swim, went into the river and was thumping wildly. The river water flooded her nose and eyes, she lost her balance and had no focus. She was flustered and choked on the river water. .

Guan Cuizhi and Ye Yuanyuan who looked back did not see He Xiner, so they shouted anxiously: "Erni, Erni, where are you?"

At this time, He Xiner could not hear their voices. After drinking a few sips of river water, she passed out and was about to sink. There was a voice in her consciousness that kept telling her to hold on. Who was calling her?

With her brain cleared up a little bit, He Xiner tried her best to think about the knowledge of self-rescue from drowning. Relax, to relax, flopping around will only sink faster, try to relax the body, float the body in the water, and stop sinking~
She raised her head and put her face out of the water, hoo, finally she was able to catch her breath, but in the end, she sank into the water again, so frightened that He Xiner tried her best to hold her breath.

(End of this chapter)

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