Chapter 129
Ye Xusheng, who was looking for He Xiner by the river, heard Guan Cuizhi and Ye Yuanyuan's shout, and ran over with big strides, "Where's Erni? What happened?"

The two little girls also looked anxious, Erni couldn't speak, and wouldn't shout when something happened, it was too worrying.

Seeing Ye Xusheng running over, he was overjoyed: "We have been playing here just now, the two of us ran away for a while, and we couldn't find Erni when we turned around. You came just in time, let's look for it together."

With Erni falling into the water last time, Ye Xusheng was very sensitive, "Look along the river, and I'll go to the part with the deepest water."

Shouting while running: "Erni, Erni, can you hear the voice of big brother?"

He Xiner, who had finally stabilized a bit, was about to suffocate. She didn't know how to get closer to the shore, and sank after a little more movement. She took a breath and quickly suffocated again.

Suddenly I heard the voice of the big brother, oh my mother, the big brother is my lucky star, I can’t even open my mouth anymore and shout: "Brother big help!"

Then he drank a big sip of water with a gurgling sound, and he sank down. He was completely panicked and couldn't float up even though he held his breath. He was groggy.

Hearing the sound, Ye Xusheng was startled, and quickly ran towards the direction of the sound, only to see a head sticking out of the water, jumping to He Xiner's side without thinking, and unfortunately, he couldn't swim either.

Fortunately, his mind was very calm, and he held his breath to prevent himself from sinking. In fact, He Xiner was very close to the shore, but it was only because he couldn't swim that he couldn't reach the shore.

Ye Xusheng jumped directly to her side, and the turbulent water wave made her move in the water, Ye Xusheng quickly grabbed her, Guan Cuizhi and Ye Yuanyuan who came behind saw this scene and were almost scared to death.

Ye Xusheng held his breath hard to avoid sinking into the water, and shouted: "Find a branch and pull us up."

Letting out a breath, he sank into the water and drank a few sips of river water. Ye Xusheng tried his best to stay awake, holding his breath to empty his body, and tilted his head back vigorously.

When he called out, the two little girls finally came to their senses and searched randomly. There was no suitable branch for a while, Guan Cuizhi had a thought, and stepped on the reeds on the bank from the bottom, "Brother Ye, try to catch these reed."

The reeds by the river grew very luxuriantly, the highest point was about three meters. Ye Xusheng held He Xiner in one hand and stretched out the other. Holding his breath, he tried to relax his body, and grabbed a handful of reed leaves.

Not daring to use too much force with his hands, he gently pulled and moved forward, and finally he was able to grab a large handful of reed poles, and then he took a few deep breaths.

Guan Cuizhi and Ye Yuanyuan were afraid that the reed would not be able to bear the weight of the two, and it would be troublesome if they pulled out the roots, so they used their milking strength to pull on the bottom of the reed.

Finally, when they reached the river, the two little girls first pulled the unconscious He Xiner up, and Ye Xusheng climbed up without the two of them.

He stomped down some reeds with his feet, and placed He Xiner on top of them.

Ye Yuanyuan and Guan Cuizhi were so frightened that they burst into tears, crying choked up, "Erni, Erni, wake up quickly,"

The last time Ye Erni fell into the water was rescued by Ye Xusheng, who was out of school. It was noon at that time, and there was no one by the river. Ye Xusheng came to look for her, but he only saw the wooden basin by the river from afar. He rushed to the river and saw Li Changxi. In the river twenty or thirty steps away from where the clothes were placed, Ye Erni was floating on the water.

At that time, the three souls were so frightened that the two souls lost their souls, and they ran directly into the water to fish out Ye Erni.

In fact, the water over there is not deep, reaching to Ye Xusheng's chest, so Ye Xusheng has always been puzzled about Erni's falling into the water.

It wasn't long before Erni fell into the water again, this time in such a remote place, it was impossible for Erni to play here by herself.

Ye Xusheng's hands trembled, his lips were blue from the cold, "One of you go to find Dr. Liu, and the other go to call my second uncle and second aunt, and ask them to bring some thick clothes."

The two girls of Liushen Wuzhu hurriedly agreed, and touched their faces indiscriminately, "You look after Erni, we will be back soon."

When the two of them ran away, Ye Xusheng first separated He Xiner's mouth to see if there was any debris in it. Seeing that the mouth was clean, he turned He Xiner up and climbed onto his lap, squeezing hard. This is the experience I learned from rescuing He Xiner last time, plus what I learned from asking Dr. Liu later.

He Xiner spit out some dirty water and coughed a few times. Ye Xusheng put her down with a tight face, "Erni, Erni, can you hear the voice of big brother?"

After hesitating for a while, he stacked his hands as Doctor Liu taught him, and placed them on He Xiner's chest to press. It was actually a CPR technique, and it was rare for Doctor Liu to understand this.

Not to mention, it worked quite well, He Xiner coughed a few more times, and her breathing became much stronger.

If I hadn't put my hands on my nose to breathe weakly just now, I wouldn't have felt it at all.

It was so cold that He Xiner shivered.

Feeling a little relieved, seeing her shivering from the cold, Ye Xusheng helped her up and held her in his arms.

(End of this chapter)

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