Chapter 1283

Old Cui was stunned.

Old Qian was furious, "Are you an unfilial son, are you crazy? If you say that about your sister, do you still want her reputation?"

Both Ye Laijin and Ye Laiyin were full of frost. Her own daughter wants to be famous, so don't their daughters want to be famous?

"Isn't this Ye Guihua's idea for my mother? To control my daughter's marriage with one hand, and then share my daughter's dowry equally with the old Qian family. What? Just count my daughter, and Ye Guihua can't even mention her name? "

"In the world, there are still people who plot against their own sons and granddaughters. If they talk about it, it will shock people's eyes!"

Everyone was shocked.

Old Qian and old Cui jumped up almost at the same time and exclaimed, "How do you know?"

Qian Dafa was so annoyed that he wanted to hit someone.

Old Yetou kicked without saying a word, "I'll give you a break, you stupid idiot!"





Old Qian was in shock, guilty of being exposed, angry at being scolded by his own son, and a little puzzled: how could such a secret thing be known by the second child;

Silly in a daze, he was suddenly kicked on the hip bone by the furious Lao Yetou, and fell to the ground together with the grand master chair.

The heavy elm grand teacher's chair buckled her tightly, and her forehead was slammed on the hard bluestone brick, making a loud bang, and the pain made her grit her teeth and her eyes were full of stars;

Her left wrist was severely sprained and sharply painful, and her back was also aching from being hit by the back of the chair. There was no place on her body that didn't hurt, and it made her throb with pain;
The slickly combed hair was already messed up, the silver hairpin fell to the landlord and made a crisp sound, and the silver bracelet on her hand was also crushed by her because she put her hands on the ground in desperation;

It's just that she doesn't care about these treasures now, and curls up under the grand teacher's chair, trembling and twitching;

Oh, by the way, a pair of legs are still being pressed by the grand master's chair at this moment, and now she can't take care of her head and her legs. .

Xiaoqian curled her lips and ignored her.

The dead old godmother, without saying a word, promised her daughter out, and she deserved the beating.

Old Cui's eyes were about to go out from the violent old Yetou's shock, his mouth was wide open and he couldn't speak.

Qian Dafa roared in a deep voice, "Lao Ye's family is bullying me, is there no one in Lao Qian's house?"

"Hmph! So what if you are bullied? At worst, break up the relationship, and take this old bastard away!"

"Okay, okay, okay, Lao Ye's family is rich and powerful, so if you want to leave poor relatives behind, it's so cruel!"

Qian Dafa's eyes were red, and he shouted hysterically, "Hua Zi, Takako!"

"I'm the grandson-in-law appointed by my aunt. If your old Ye family dares to go back on their word, I'll go drink it on the street. Ye Xiner's reputation will be..."

"Big White!"

Ye Xusheng's extremely cold voice sounded, and Dabai, who had been waiting for a long time, jumped up and tore off the burlap curtain hanging on the door.



From Ye Xusheng's yelling to Dabai's furious roar, it took only two breaths. Everyone in the old Qian family's heartbeat stopped suddenly in shock. …

Old Qian belched and rolled his eyes before passing out.

Qian Hua and Qian Gui were about to run away, but they were each pawed by Dabai, they were sent flying, hit the wall with a thud, fell to the ground again, and couldn't get up again.

Qian Dafa was horrified to the extreme, shaking into a ball.

He, he shouldn't turn his face...

By the way, it was the first time for old Qian and little Qian to see Dabai's fierce and violent side. Little Qian was so startled that his scalp went numb, he took two steps back and was tripped by old Qian who had managed to get up, and the two immediately rolled together.

Jiang Jiang was lucky enough to see Dabai with a ferocious face, and old Qian trembled in fright and peed on his pants.

This time it was good, the two of them rolled on the wet ground, slipped and slipped, slipped and slipped, lying on the ground unable to get up, not to mention, they were covered all over.

(End of this chapter)

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