Chapter 1284

In other words, in the west wing room with the doors and windows closed, Ye Guihua curled her lips and played with a plum blossom silver hairpin in her hand. Thinking that He Xiner's marriage was a certainty at this time, she felt a burst of joy in her heart.

Ye Feifeng patted Xiao Xuyang who was in a drowsy sleep, and was also thinking about the people of Lao Qian's family, wondering what those unscrupulous people were trying to do to her family, and was very agitated.

When Xiao Xuyang fell asleep, cover him with a thin quilt.

The two were gossiping one after another, when they heard monster-like roars from the upper room, which made them both change their faces.

"My God, that's, that's Dabai's roar!"

Ye Feifeng patted his chest and suddenly regained his senses.

It is impossible for a beast to come to the house.

Ye Guihua suddenly thought of Dabai's ability, Ye Xin'er was taken into the den of thieves by Wu's people, it could still be found, and Ye Xin'er came back unscathed.

I wonder how easy it is to get out of that den of thieves...

Her heart tightened for a while.


Old Qian's family of four, two old, two young, was sent back by Ye Laiyin in a mule cart.

Oh, Ye Xusheng and Dabai are also traveling with me.

Old Cui was unconscious.

Qian Hua and Qian Gui are knocked unconscious by Dabai, and they are unconscious.

Only Qian Dafa was always awake, but he was too shocked to speak, because Dabai was staring at him covetously from the side.


The whole body is tense and stiff, but the mind is not idle.

There is only one thought over and over again, and that is over!
Lao Ye's family sent a message to break off their relationship with their old Qian's family.

There is no room for maneuver.

He repented and hated, and calculated for nothing. He didn't get anything, but it made Lao Ye's family completely turn their backs!

That bitch Qian Yueying!
He couldn't be the head of Lao Ye's family, and even came up with some bad ideas, which caused him to fall so badly.

There is still money to spend on that useless thing. In vain, she has a child-born son, but it is useless at all. She usually doesn't help her mother's family. self.



All the assholes!

Qian Dafa's temples twitched.

Everyone in Lao Ye's family is waiting for him, this hatred, this hatred...

Perhaps it was because of the heavy hostility in his body, Dabai sensed it sensitively, turned his head abruptly, his dark pupils turned blood red, his face was cruel and cold, and his sharp white teeth gleamed coldly...

Qian Dafa suffered a sudden cardiac arrest and was on the verge of passing out.

At this moment, he no longer has the energy to hold grudges.

Today's Lao Ye's family is not something he can provoke.

Those scoundrels' plans before, what ruined the reputation of the two girls, what smeared the old Ye family, what ruined Ye Xusheng's future, all disappeared under Dabai's stare...

Qian Dafa was ashamed.

As soon as the mule cart entered the alley of Lao Qian’s house, Qian Lei, the third housekeeper who was waiting at the door, saw him, and shouted and yelled out the whole family, “Lao Ye’s mule cart is here! The mule cart is coming!"

"It's so fucking rich, it's an ox cart and a mule cart..."

"Isn't it good to have money?"

"Hey, it's good to be rich, good to be rich, haha..."

A large family stood at the gate of the house, unscrupulously particular, waiting for the mule cart to approach with full of pride.

From their point of view, the two maids of the old Ye family hadn't run away, even if Ye Laijin and Ye Laiyin disagreed, it didn't matter, they had plenty of ways to force each other to nod.

The worst thing is to directly ruin the reputation of the two girls, and they will have to marry if they don't marry.

With less dowry, they are still not happy to marry!
However, it turned out that they were overthinking it.

When they saw what was going on in the car, the old Qian family headed by Qian Jin were all stunned.

"Lift people!"

Ye Laiyin said coldly.

"Son! Son!"

"Takako! Takako! What's going on? Damn old Ye family..."

"Aw - woo woo -."

Dabai growled.

Everyone froze, not daring to move, not even having the courage to run away, for fear of arousing the bloodiness of the dog, they kept chasing after him.

Qian Dafa waved his hands helplessly, and said in a hoarse voice, "Lift me."

(End of this chapter)

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