Chapter 1297 What an idiot

In the end, only Zhang Tieniu came forward to clean up the mess with Ye Xusheng.

After confirming that the mother and daughter of the Guan family are safe, Zhang Dongqiang left quietly.

In the West Wing, Guan Cuizhi finally regained her senses with the comfort of her friend, but she still stubbornly hugged Xiao Hei who was no longer alive.

Seeing Mrs. Liu shed tears.

He Xiner was also very distressed.

The smart and clever Xiao Hei is Da Bai's apprentice, and she and she are also a family member.

The little guy was only a few months old, and he hadn't learned his skills from his master, so he died protecting his master, how could it not make people feel distressed and sentimental.

At this time, no amount of words was enough to comfort her. All she could do was hug her friend tightly and give her spiritual support.

I don't know when, it started to drizzle, the night wind was cool, and the slanting raindrops gently blew on the doors and windows, making a slight rustling sound.

Mrs. Liu tucked the corners of the quilt for the two girls who had finally fallen asleep, and her heart swelled.

very nice.

It's so good now.

Dabai at the door is full of sadness.

Its little apprentice was covered with a white cloth, lying quietly on the ground...

Liu burst into tears again.

She walked over gently, gently stroking Dabai's fluffy head, her voice choked with sobs, "Thank you, Dabai, thank you..."

She didn't know where the masked people who were knocked unconscious by Dabai went, and she didn't know where the injured Ye Dahu went;
With Brother Zhang and Boy Sheng around, she doesn't have to worry about anything.

Kid Sheng is a nephew and a junior, running around and working hard, she is very comforted in her heart;

And Brother Zhang also took the initiative to come to help clean up the mess. She was really touched beyond words.

The master and apprentice were calm and steady in their work, and they were also very careful. Brother Zhang even went home to fetch Anshen Pills.

Thanks to his soothing pills, Zhi'er was able to fall asleep peacefully.

Their Guan family is really lucky to have such a loyal friend.

Liu stayed up all night, listening to the pattering rain, gently stroking Dabai's soft fur, and sat thinking all night.

Just as the sky turned pale, Guan Xiuyuan came back.

Ye Xusheng picked him up on purpose.

After he and Uncle Zhang finished dealing with what happened last night, he had to explain it to Uncle Guan.

"Miss Zhi'er..."

The door was gently pushed open, and Guan Xiuyuan called softly.

He walked in softly, his eyes full of distress and pity almost overflowing.

Afraid of disturbing the two sleeping girls, Liu turned her head silently, and slowly got up, her eyes were blurred with tears, her legs were already numb after sitting all night, and after barely standing up, she was unable to take a step.

Guan Xiuyuan approached lightly, gently hugged him in his arms, and said softly, "Don't be afraid, I'm back."


Liu Shi couldn't hold back any longer, sobbed loudly, tears wet Guan Xiuyuan's shoulders, and he felt uncomfortable, silently comforting his beautiful wife in his arms.

He looked deeply at the two fair and tender faces on the top of the kang, with mixed feelings in his heart.

On the way here, he had heard everything.

He was trembling with fear.

He didn't dare to imagine what would happen to his Zhi'er and his wife without the bamboo whistle prepared by Xin girl and the brave and capable Dabai...

Just thinking about it makes my heart ache.

No words of thanks can express one ten-thousandth of his heart.

With great emotion, he thought of a good idea.

"Zhi'erniang, how about we adopt Xin girl as a foster daughter? Treat her as my own, love her and spoil her..."

Liu Shi, whose eyes were red and swollen from crying, glared at him angrily, "It's not good!"

Guan Xiuyuan was stunned.

"What a nerd!"

Liu burst into tears and laughed.

"My lady hasn't called her husband an idiot for a long time..."

Guan Xiuyuan's beautiful peach eyes were full of jokes, and the smile on the corner of his lips was faintly tinged with ambiguity.

It was still when he was scolded by his wife for being a nerd when he was studying. As his children grew up, he became the shopkeeper of Taifeng Tower.

(End of this chapter)

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