Chapter 1298

Thinking about it carefully, I haven't heard such a friendly address for many years.

It was originally a sad and desolate atmosphere, but I don't know when it became crooked, so crooked that it can't be crooked anymore.

Liu's cheeks were flushed, and she glared at him coquettishly: "When will you return, return...

"Cough, cough, what does the general mean?"

"Hey, you are an idiot, you are really an idiot, girl Xin has such a lovely appearance and temperament, what kind of righteous daughter is she, a daughter-in-law, isn't it good?"

"Yes, yes, yes, the lady is more thoughtful!"

Guan Xiuyuan was overjoyed, clapping his hands and laughing.


In the next few days, He Xiner brought her little cousin and Dabai to accompany Cuizhi, and Ye Yuanyuan was not far behind, clamoring to share the bed with the three of them.

Fortunately, the kang in Cuizhi's house was big and wide enough, otherwise it wouldn't be able to accommodate four people.

After Xiao Hei's burial, Guan Cuizhi's mood was not high, He Xiner thought of some novel fairy tales, and told her every day;

Ye Yuanyuan and Wang Jinling also tried their best to make her happy.

Accompanied by the three of them, Guan Cuizhi gradually became cheerful again, with a smile on his face from time to time.

Guan Xiuyuan only stayed at home for two days before returning to Taifeng Building.

The first thing I did when I arrived in the town was to ask someone to buy a wolfhound. The pure black fur is smooth and soft, and the pointed ears stand straight up. It is very energetic. It has bright eyes, sharp teeth, and a medium-sized head. Limbs are slender. .

It is the kind of dog that feels very smart and alert at a glance.

Cuizhi named it: "Heizi."

Because it looks black, it is also a kind of nostalgia for Xiao Hei.

For this dog, Guan Xiuyuan spent a lot of thought.

It can't be too big or small, but it must be smart, clever and loyal to protect the Lord.

Because he insisted on his daughter's idea, he must ask Heizi to worship Dabai as his teacher.

For this reason, he specially bought a lot of meat bones and steamed chicken for Dabai. Oh, I heard that Dabai likes to eat sweets, so he also bought a lot of desserts.

It can be said to be sincere.

This made He Xiner and Ye Laiyin dumbfounded.

Knowing that he was taking the opportunity to reward Dabai, she didn't show politeness to him, and all accepted it with a smile.

For this, Ye Yuanyuan expressed her envy, and she wanted to raise a dog to worship Dabai as her teacher.

Ye Shitian and his wife deeply agreed.

He ordered Ye Mancang to quickly find a suitable dog for his sister, so Ye Mancang made arrangements to buy a dog with great fanfare.

He even asked Ye Xusheng for advice.

Then, Ye Xusheng was touched somehow, and he decided to buy a dog to play with Xiao Xuyang.

Two days later, Ye Xusheng took a rest, and the two brothers went to Pingning Town, and brought back two medium-sized wolfhounds.

Well, Dabai suddenly has three more apprentices.

Wang Jinling's daily life is to play in the yard with four dogs.


On May [-]th, the wind was breezy and the sun was shining brightly.

Little girl Wang Jinling was running around in the yard with Dabai, Heizi, Daha, and Erha, when someone called her "Linger, Linger."

"Father, mother! Why are you here?"

The little girl screamed in surprise and ran excitedly.

As soon as she ran, Heizi, Daha, and Erha followed suit, and the scene was quite spectacular.

Dabai was walking gracefully, and the old god followed behind him.

Uncle Wang and Mrs. Lu greeted the little girl with smiles, their eyes full of joy.

I haven't seen her for two months, and my daughter has another stroke, and her face is getting better and better.

The innocent little girl is wearing a smoky pink gauze skirt, tender and delicate, soft and cute~
Her steps were light, her smile was bright, and she was running happily. There was a small delicate silver bell on her hairpin, ringing alone, and the small and crisp sounds were very pleasant.

Lu Shi hugged the little baby happily, her voice almost softened, "Did Ling'er miss your mother?"

"Think about it, think about it every day."

Uncle Wang smiled silly and rubbed his hands together, "Good girl, do you miss your father?"


Uncle Wang scratched his head, the girl was partial.

She and her mother thought about it every day, and when they came to him, they gave him one word: think.

(End of this chapter)

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