Chapter 1325 Slow down

Just when Lao Yetou was about to go crazy and tear up Lao Qian's family, the people who went to Fucheng came back.

In the evening, the rented carriage entered the village, first took Zhang Tieniu to the alley, waved goodbye, and then drove happily to Lao Ye's house.

The few people were full of ambition and looked refreshed, thinking about the moment when the accounts and bank notes were handed over, the smiling faces of the women and maids filled their hearts with joy.

Everyone is beaming and eager to see.

If it wasn't for the car full of things, they would all want to jump out of the car and run home.

The carriage rattled away, it must have been slow.

Let's say that this time things went very smoothly, the other party didn't even mention the price, just count the number of dolls, count the number of dolls, abacus a dozen, and then hand over the silver ticket, don't mention that refreshing.

Ye Shitian and Ye Laiyin, two good brothers, feel so happy in their hearts, as if eating ice cubes, they feel refreshed and comfortable.

Ye Mancang was so happy that he couldn't close his mouth from ear to ear, he laughed like a fool.

Only Ye Xusheng can hold on. After all, he has seen a lot of money, and the manuscript fees for several books are huge~
Zhang Tieniu always accompanied him with a smile and didn't say much.

The errands were done properly, everyone was in a good mood, and they all proposed to stay one more night, go shopping, and bring back some rare items for the women and children at home.

When Ye Xusheng mentioned that He Xiner asked him to pay attention to all kinds of toys on the market and bring back some weird ones, several people nodded repeatedly, saying that it was the same reason, that is, when they arrived in Fucheng, they should find out the market. Yes.

Know yourself and know the enemy, and you will be in danger in every battle.

This was said by Zhang Tieniu, Ye Shitian slapped his thigh excitedly, said with a smile that's what he said, that's what he said, and he said that he was a big bastard who couldn't say such polite words, but his meaning was clear.

Come on, the big guys don't worry about buying gifts for their wives and children anymore, and they all inquire about the market of various toys in high spirits.

As the saying goes, if you don't ask, you don't know, but if you ask, you will be shocked.

I was not shocked by the various colorful and bright dolls, nor was I surprised by the high price, but was shocked by the low price.

It's only been half a year. The pink pig, big bad wolf, fiery red fox and other dolls they sold for five hundred yuan at the beginning are now only fifty yuan! !
This gap is too great.

Ye Shitian patted his chest and asked whether he was dreaming.

Not for anything else.

With all kinds of dolls and toys on the market priced at no more than one hundred yuan, their dead rabbits were sold for ten taels of silver each! ! !
Bear paws and fur balls are also as high as [-] yuan a pair!
What is this not a dream?
Both Ye Laiyin and Ye Mancang felt like they were dreaming.

If it was said that they were happy, down-to-earth, and incomparably proud when they got the silver ticket before, then now they are no longer ordinary pride, but the kind of super-swelling that is about to be ecstatic, and can go to the sky at any time. .

Inflated to doubt life.

Ye Xusheng silently looked at the smiling Zhang Tieniu, wondering how much money Qianjin Pavilion could lose in this deal.

It turns out that Dong Qiang has such a big face.

Zhang Tieniu, who knew his temperament, said with a slight smile, as far as he knew, those dolls at the end of last year made Qianjin Pavilion a lot of money;
He also said that he is a real businessman, he is shrewd, and he would not do business at a loss for someone's face.

These fur toys with exquisite materials and fine workmanship will at least double the price in their hands.

Hearing these words, Ye Shitian and his son also hit Ye Laiyin's tongue secretly.

Ye Mancang yelled that no matter how powerful Qianjin Pavilion was, it couldn't compare to Sister Xin'er. If it wasn't for Sister Xiner, everyone in Fucheng wouldn't know what a doll looks like.

Ye Laiyin was so proud of what he said, and he was only short of printing a few big words on his face: My daughter is amazing!My niece is amazing!

Even Ye Shitian, a rough man with five big and three thick heads, lost his previous poise and was very proud of having a capable niece.

(End of this chapter)

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