The charming girl of the farm gate of crossing

Chapter 1326 He Can't Be Big

Chapter 1326 He Can't Be Big

The gentlemen are easy to be satisfied, they are not greedy, and none of them think that rare goods are available, and they are annoyed that this batch of goods came out early.

According to the market of dolls and dolls, whether these dead rabbits, bear paws, or fur balls, once thrown into the market, they will be imitated soon.

And with that came falling prices all the way.

And He Xiner also said before that after these dolls are sent away, there is no need to continue making them.

Therefore, it is not cost-effective to sell these dolls now. They should have a lot of inventory and sell them at the end of the year, and they will definitely make a lot of money.

This is easy to see.

As long as it is not a fool, it will be counted.

The reason why Zhang Tieniu wanted to accompany them was that before he left, he formally handed over the doll business of their family to Qianjin Pavilion. After all, he came here in person, which was different from explaining in letters.

The Qianjin Pavilion is different from the master's other properties, it was originally a dowry shop for the noble concubine, and the shopkeeper is an old man who was used by the noble concubine, even the master should be polite when he sees it.

He couldn't hold back even more.

It is precisely because the old men of Lao Ye's family are pure-minded and not greedy, that he will plan for it wholeheartedly.

Seeing a few people was filled with joy from the bottom of his heart, all of them were smiling and genuinely satisfied, and he was also in a super good mood.

It is said that everyone left with full expectations, and returned with a full banknote, not to mention the excitement in their hearts, it felt like returning home with clothes and clothes.

More than 2 taels of silver bills!Can you not be excited?

When the group arrived in the town, they went to Taifeng Building to confess to Guan Xiuyuan, saying that if he could spare time, he would go back with the empty cart that delivered the vegetables tomorrow, so that the accounts and money could be smoothed out. smooth.

To put it bluntly, it is to go home and share the money.

At that time, Guan Xiuyuan's complexion was not very good, and his brows were obviously fatigued. They only thought that he was busy with the affairs of such a big restaurant, it was too hard, so they didn't take it too seriously.

It was also because of high emotions and high mood that he only focused on talking about happy things and ignored the haggard flashing in Guan Xiuyuan's beautiful peach eyes.

Besides, Guan Xiuyuan is an adult man after all, and he has been a shopkeeper for many years. He handles things mellowly, calmly and introverted.

The old masters of Xingxing, the old Ye family, laughed and asked him to go home tomorrow to share the money, amused the preoccupied Guan Xiuyuan, and got a little more energetic, chatted and laughed with a few people, and said yes Someday when you are free, everyone gathers together, and it is considered a celebration.

Ye Mancang was the first to raise his hands in support, thinking that it was necessary, very necessary to have a dinner together.

Not to mention Guan Xiuyuan couldn't help laughing at that impatient posture, even Ye Shitian laughed angrily.

After bidding farewell to Guan Xiuyuan and seeing off Zhang Tieniu, only the family surnamed Ye remained, and they couldn't hide their good moods. They all rushed home with their mouths open, joyful and excited. I wish I could grow a scud and fly home in one step.

However, things are always unexpected.

Even if the gentlemen were so excited that they were about to lose their shape, they couldn't see that there was something wrong with Guan Xiuyuan, but when He Xiner, who had drained all her water, appeared in front of the crowd listlessly, no matter how nervous she was, she would know Something is wrong.

Just when the masters had just finished unloading the carriage and sent the coachman away, and when it was getting dark, Lao Yetou came back in a ox cart, carrying He Xiner and Dabai in a panic.

He was going to find Lao Qian's desperately. He was a person who had been running around for several days, was exhausted, weak, and could barely hold his head. He became energetic as soon as he entered the village. The stock is on fire.

He was extremely annoyed, sparks were shining in his eyes, his veins were bulging because he was holding the bullwhip so hard, he wished he could beat that old guy to death.

(End of this chapter)

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