The charming girl of the farm gate of crossing

Chapter 1334 Where are we going?

Chapter 1334 Where are we going?

Lao Ye's family can live a good life now, but thanks to the blessing of the second girl.

He thought to himself that what happened back then might be God's will, because this girl had a predestined relationship with Lao Ye's family.

That's great.

It's great to live peacefully and joyfully like this.

But now his heart is empty, very unsteady.

Before, he only cared about getting angry and getting angry, and didn't think deeply about it.

When his second child and eldest grandson came back yesterday, he was not so anxious. Now that he relaxed, he thought more.

The dead old woman regards her daughter more than her three sons, so how could she let her lose her temper and run out indiscriminately?

She is not stupid, that good girl who was raised by her can only eat and drink with her mouth open, knows nothing, how can she live outside?

You can't be a servant like Cao, can you?

The dead old woman is not in a hurry or worrying, and she is not worried about her daughter not being able to eat and drink outside, so what does that mean?
It shows that she is very confident that her old daughter will have a good life


Thinking of the speculation in his heart, Lao Yetou couldn't help shaking his hands.

He yelled and cursed in his heart over and over again: dead thing, idiot, dead thing, idiot!
That old guy wants to pierce the sky!

She didn't even think about it, how could such a family be so close?

Maybe he was sent away without seeing the rightful owner.

Besides, even if you meet the righteous master, so what?
A child who was raised in the wealth and wealth, a high-ranking son and young master, would he believe a country girl's words?
Take ten thousand steps back and say, even if he believed it, he would not admit it!

Didn't that break his way to wealth?
Not only can't recognize it, it's not sure, it's not sure...

Cold sweat broke out on Lao Ye's forehead.

At this moment, he really wanted to strangle that stupid old man to death!

Under the scorching sun, Lao Ye was sweating profusely.

There was a huge stone in his heart, so heavy that he couldn't breathe, but he couldn't discuss this matter with his son, so he could only bear it by himself...


Besides, when Ye Xusheng was looking forward to seeing the little girl on the cusp of his heart when he came back from Fucheng, what he saw was a sick and brittle baby.

I wish I could get sick and suffer instead of her.

Naturally it is impossible.

It would be nice to be able to feed her water, medicine, and take good care of her by my side, but the second aunt didn't use him, just said that he was working hard outside, and sent him back to rest.

Even the second uncle chased him away.

But where can he rest assured?
All night, he kept his eyes open counting the time.

There are still three hours, two hours,...

Finally, it was dawn, and he was able to see the little girl openly, but she didn't wake up, and the fever still persisted.

Ye Xusheng's heart was twisted into a twist.

He wanted to stay with that little girl, but the elders arranged for him to find someone, so he couldn't refuse, so he had to agree.

The other was assigned Ye Mancang, and rushed to Lao Ye's house early in the morning. He first cared about He Xiner's condition, knowing that she was still awake, he was very worried, and secretly scolded Ye Guihua for being so good.

To be honest, he really didn't want to find Aunt Lao Shizi, but because of the relationship between the two families, he couldn't help him with this job.

Just like that, the unwilling brothers simply ate breakfast, took the dry food and water prepared by Mrs. Cao, called Dabai, and left Lao Ye's house with a sullen face.

All the way to the town in silence, I rented a mule cart and started the official search.

"Xu Sheng, where are we going?"

At this time, the sun had just climbed up the treetops, and it had already released huge energy. Ye Mancang, who had walked all the way, was so hot that he was sweating profusely.

He raised his sleeve and wiped the sweat off his forehead casually, then turned to look at the silent Ye Xusheng.

It was the first time I saw this kid with a cold face, walking all the way without opening his mouth in a cold way, he could really hold his breath.

 I want a ticket~
(End of this chapter)

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