Chapter 1335

Ye Xusheng glanced lightly at Dabai, who closed his eyes and pretended to be sleeping, and the other party drooped his ears, as if he had nothing to do with it.

With a cold snort, he turned his head, looked ahead, and said in a deep voice, "Go to the county seat."

Ye Mancang paused while holding the rein, "Going to the county town? She can't run that far as a weak woman, right?"

In his opinion, Ye Guihua would at most wander around the town, the county town, and it would take more than two hours to drive a mule cart, how could a weak woman run so far.

"Ten miles and eight villages, my father and the others have already run back and forth many times, even if there is no one, there is no need to waste time."

"I just feel that she is a weak woman, walking on two legs, I'm afraid she won't be able to run that far..."

It is impossible for my sister-in-law to walk to the county seat. "

The desolate and quiet young man, his eyebrows are like ink paintings, and his eyes are like spots of paint, but now his brows are tightly frowned and his expression is serious. .

And his clear voice, faint, cold, without any emotion~
Knowing that his indifference was not aimed at himself, Ye Mancang didn't care.

"Isn't she imprisoned? She must have no money on her body."

"Jewelry is pawned immediately."

Ye Mancang opened his mouth, but finally said nothing.

All right, Xu Sheng said that if he went to the county seat, he would go to the county seat.

I don't understand why the other party is so sure that he is in the county, just like I don't understand why he pays a deposit to rent a mule cart that doesn't deserve a driver.

Could it be that outsiders know about Ye Guihua's runaway from home, and they will have a bad reputation for her?

Well, it must be so.

I have to say, Xu Sheng is still thoughtful.

If a woman who has not left the cabinet has a bad reputation, she will not be able to marry in the future, and it will also affect Xu Sheng's imperial examination.

Thinking like this, people who were not active at first, now immediately cheered up.

We can't let that person ruin the lintel of Old Ye's family and Xu Sheng's future. .

Someone has to be found quickly, someone has to be found quickly.

"Dabai, don't sleep, you have to lead us the way!"

Ye Mancang was really in a hurry, and when he was in a hurry, his voice became louder, and what he said was like setting off a firecracker, it was deafening.

But it didn't wake up the dozing Dabai at all, it was still lying on its stomach lightly, looking very careless.

Why did this ancestor wither at a critical moment?
Isn't that its style?

"What's wrong with Dabai? Could it be that you are also sick?"

Ye Mancang leaned forward, holding Dabai with his arms around Dabai like two brothers, and he just fumbled wildly, not letting go of his head, neck, and back.

"It's not hot..."

Ye Mancang's heart was about to break. .

But no matter how hard he tosses, Dabai is always listless.

It was the first time I saw such a big white.

Cold, indifferent, no matter how Ye Mancang hugged and stroked him, he didn't wait to move.

Ye Mancang did not withdraw.

"Dabai, my brother won't disturb you. You should go to sleep first. After you get enough sleep, you will lead us to find someone later."

I'm used to He Xiner and Dabai calling themselves sisters, but for some reason, this brother said it very smoothly and naturally.

Before he finished speaking, Ye Mancang rolled his eyes to himself, and then laughed silently with his mouth open.

Ye Xusheng, who was quiet all the way, didn't seem to feel the fiery enthusiasm of the scorching sun at all, and his face was always cold.

Hearing Ye Man's funny words now, he couldn't help curling the corners of his lips slightly, revealing a very shallow smile. . .

The bullwhip thrown by Ye Mancang, who was driving the car, crackled, urging the mule cart to run fast.

In other words, he has also been to the county seat, so he naturally knows the way, so there is no need for Dabai to lead the way.

Two hours later, I finally saw the towering city gate of Lin'an County.

"Dabai, lead the way."

A cold and clear voice sounded, and Dabai, who was lying on his stomach with squinted eyes, froze his ears, got up and jumped and ran at the same time, and reached the front of the mule cart in a short time. .

(End of this chapter)

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