The charming girl of the farm gate of crossing

Chapter 1336 Lai Toad Wants to Eat Swan Meat

Chapter 1336 Lai Toad Wants to Eat Swan Meat
Ye Mancang's eyes widened, and he looked at the snow-white figure in front of him. It was elegant and calm, not rushing, and always kept a distance of three or four feet ahead of the mule cart.

"Xusheng, does Dabai know where he is?"

"Huh? No, Grandpa and Sister Xin'er took it with them, and they searched for it for four or five days, but they couldn't find anyone..."

The corners of Ye Xusheng's lips were tight, and his eyes were deep.

His mood at this time is very complicated.

His grandma looked down on his sister-in-law so much, he wished he could spend all the family's money on her, and he couldn't do a little bit of work that was pampered...

Just imagine, how could she watch my sister-in-law go outside to suffer?
Then there is only one possibility.

In his grandma's heart, sister-in-law left Lao Ye's house not to endure hardship but to enjoy happiness, so he vigorously supported her and gave her cover.


Ye Xusheng frowned slightly, his sharp eyes swept across the row upon row of houses on both sides of the street, not letting go of any clues.

The wooden wheels of the mule cart creaked on the bluestone-paved streets, getting slower and slower.

Unknowingly, the mule cart had entered the busiest area in Lin'an County. There were so many pedestrians on the road, it was a bustling scene.

If it weren't for the tall, handsome and majestic Dabai who cleared the way, he would have been unable to take a single step.

"Does she still have time to wander here?"

This street is basically selling women's products, clothing shops, rouge shops and so on.

At this time, Dabai stopped in front of a large silver building, sniffing the smell seriously.

Ye Mancang couldn't believe it.

Even if you pawn the jewelry, you probably won’t be too rich. You spend money on everything when you’re outside alone, and you’re raised with pride. You don’t know anything. It’s hard to find a job. With no income, she really dared to spend recklessly.

Uh, I dare to run away from home, what else can I not dare to do~
The corners of Ye Xusheng's lips tightened.

"She must have been here."

Ye Mancang nodded, knowing that Bai's ability is great.

He still couldn't figure it out, the uncle and sister Xin'er also brought Dabai with them, but after searching for four or five days in a row, why didn't there be any clues?


In the morning, Taifeng Building hadn't received guests yet, and the staff at the back kitchen and front desk were busy in an orderly manner.

In Ming Lanxuan, Guan Xiuyuan was as cold as ice, squinting his peach blossom eyes, and glanced lightly at Pan Mingwei who was opposite him.

No matter how he looked at it, he responded, so he simply lowered his head and drank tea.

With such an honor, how dare he miss his precious daughter.

Lai Toad wants to eat swan meat!

Don't even think about it!
Mr. Pan is wearing a maroon purple lingluo straight embellishment and an amethyst belt of the same color. His hair is tied in a high bun, and a mutton fat jade crown is fixed on it.

He is holding a Xiaoxiang bamboo folding fan, fanning it gently, with an elegant posture;
The emerald green finger on the thumb is very clear, clear and bright, crystal clear, it is a piece of fine jadeite.

To put it bluntly, Mr. Pan can be regarded as a noble and majestic person, but it is a pity that his appearance is mediocre, especially his pair of slanting eyes, which somehow makes people feel wretched and mean...

How can such a face match the beautiful girl with the beauty of a fairy?

Guan Xiuyuan is 1 unhappy with this skin alone, let alone his famous reputation as a playboy.

Even if he invites more dignified middlemen to intercede, it won't work.

"Mr. Pan, please go back. I have said everything I need to say before. There is nothing to talk about."

Putting down the teacup in his hand, Guan Xiuyuan dismissed him lightly.

Ever since he met Wei Heizi who was about to come to propose marriage, Pan Mingwei was in a hurry, fearing that someone would preempt him, so he arranged the matter of asking for a wife non-stop.

Since he was self-aware of his appearance, he kept his attitude quite low. He didn't invite the Iceman to come to the door with straight eyebrows and make a provocative marriage proposal, but invited two elders who were quite famous in the town , as a lobbyist for him.

Through the intermediary's report, he expressed his deep affection for Miss Guan, and repeatedly emphasized that he would always treat her well and not let her be wronged.

It's a pity that Guan Xiuyuan didn't give anyone face, and he refused all of them without any leeway.

(End of this chapter)

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