The charming girl of the farm gate of crossing

Chapter 1364 You have worked hard

Chapter 1364 You have worked hard
The big guys are completely convinced of Dabai and Ye Xusheng's abilities, and have no doubts about Ye Mancang's words.

And with Ye Xusheng's temperament, it's not uncommon to send people to the county seat overnight.

Ye Fuyun nodded and said nothing.

Although he felt that there was no need to rush to the county seat overnight, but Boy Sheng had ideas and a temper, so he couldn't stop him.

A group of people marched into the house, represented by Ye Fuyun and Ye Mancang, went to the upper room, and explained the matter to Lao Yetou, Ye Changshou and others.

"Everyone has worked hard. They all went to the backyard to wash their hands and drink a bowl of egg water."

Ever since dozens of people came into her house to help, He Xiner discussed with Wang that she couldn't ask people to come here for nothing, and at least drink some hot soup, which was also a heartfelt gesture.

Mrs. Wang, Mrs. Cao, and Mrs. Bai and Mrs. Liu who came to help were all quick in their hands and feet, and quickly boiled two large pots of hot water.

He Xiner, Ye Feifeng, Ye Yuanyuan, Guan Cuizhi, and Wang Jinling, just crack eggs, put one in each bowl, beat it with boiling water, add a spoonful of brown sugar, and a bowl of sweet egg water will be ready.

It's not that everyone has come back, so Wang rushed to call for them.

The elders are all in the upper room, and there are strong men and skinny boys in the yard. They are idle and bored, and they are going home to sleep. Hearing that there is egg water to drink, they immediately regain their energy, and thank each one happily. Went to the backyard together.

Mrs. Cao greeted a group of people, Mrs. Wang brought handwashing water to everyone in the upper room, and then hot egg water was also brought to the upper room.

Ye Changshou and his brother Ye Changsheng met eyes, smiled and said a few polite words to the old Ye Tou, and said that the old Ye's family was open and bright, and the mood of the irritable old Ye Tou improved a lot, and he expressed his thanks to the big guy again and again Just to help.

Brothers Ye Laijin and Ye Laiyin also went to the backyard to thank everyone.

The thief has been caught, with the help of Ye Mancang and a few boys, there is no need for outsiders to give away. A group of helpers drank egg water and left contentedly.

Ye Laijin, Ye Laiyin, Ye Shitian, Guan Xiuyuan and others sent people to the door of the house, politely thanking them repeatedly.

Ye Changshou, the village head, felt quite proud, and the others were also very happy.

The outsiders were sent away, and the own people went back to the upper room.

"I left such a sentence in a hurry, and no one saw it. I always feel uneasy."

Lao Yetou always felt that things were not simple.

Guan Xiuyuan's eyes flickered slightly.

As far as he knew, when there was an accident at home, Dabai rushed to his house almost like lightning, and the speed was astonishingly fast.

Zhi'er Niang said yes, after the girl blew the bamboo whistle, she realized that she had arrived in a short while.

According to Dabai's speed, ordinary people can be caught by him if they can't run in the alley.

But the current situation is that the entire alley, the entire periphery of Lao Ye's house, does not have any traces of thieves, which is too strange.

Was that person running too fast, or something else?

Guan Xiuyuan didn't think anyone could surpass Dabai's speed.

Could it be that the person who came here was not an ordinary thief, but the kind of martial arts master, the very powerful one?
Even if Lao Ye's family has some money, they are still ordinary farmers. How could they provoke some martial arts masters?
The more Guan Xiuyuan thought about it, the more he couldn't help worrying about Zhong Zhong.

Others only know that Dabai is powerful, but they have never seen him running in real life, but Ye Laijin and Ye Laiyin know it well, they also think a lot, and their hearts are heavy.

"Uncle, don't worry, with Dabai here, no thief can escape..."

Before Ye Shitian finished speaking, Ye Mantun and his brothers opened the curtain and entered, stunned, swallowed back the words that followed.

Mrs. Wang and other female relatives gathered in the Xikua courtyard. There were only men and gentlemen in the upper room, so they didn't have any scruples about what to say. When they saw their brothers coming back, Ye Zutian and the others were stunned for a while, and then scolded, "You brat won't stay with your elder brother. What are you doing back here?"

(End of this chapter)

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