The charming girl of the farm gate of crossing

Chapter 1365 You Really Feel Alright

Chapter 1365 You Really Feel Alright
They are all their own people, and there is nothing to hide.

Ye Mantun briefly talked about the fire oil, and said that it was Boy Sheng who was afraid of causing unnecessary talk, so he didn't bring him back, "Boy Zhang and Big Brother are accompanying Xu Sheng, and Dabai is following. Something will happen. Our brothers can't squeeze into the car."


This is to exterminate the door?
Old Yetou's eyes turned black, and he was on the verge of passing out.

Others also had heavy hearts.

It doesn't matter if it's petty theft, but setting fire to the house is too cruel.

Ye Shitian and Guan Xiuyuan looked at Ye Laiyin at the same time. Others didn't know, but they knew in their hearts how much money they had in their hands.

Could it be that he was being targeted when he came back from Fucheng?

It's not that they deliberately scare themselves, they really can't imagine what Lao Ye's family has done, which can lead to the disaster of destroying the family.

Ye Laiyin held the banknotes that day, which meant that the visitor had his eye on him, planned to rob him of a huge amount of banknotes, and then set fire to Lao Ye's house to wipe out all traces.

Ye Laiyin gave the two of them a reassuring look, Dabai could even smell the smell of the sachet, even something with a strong smell of kerosene was no problem.

Wasn't this the thief who was discovered by Dabai before he had time to play tricks?
Thinking about it this way, Ye Laiyin became more at ease than that time just now.

Besides, with the Zhang family boy following Xu Sheng, he was even less worried.

The three of them flirted with each other, and finally stood at a corner and bit their ears.

Anyway, I didn't mention the bank note, so it doesn't matter if others hear it.

Ye Zutian and his brothers were consoling the old Ye Tou, and Ye Laijin was talking with him, besides, they all knew that the three of them were close, so they didn't think too much about it.

"Second, do you really feel all right?"

Ye Shitian asked in a low voice, while Guan Xiuyuan also looked at him worriedly.

"Boss, Brother Guan, think about how long it will take you to come back from Fucheng. If someone follows you along the way, will Brother Zhang and Xu Sheng not be able to find out?"

That's not what Fucheng is following.

Could it be that he was seen that time in the town?
"It doesn't matter where the thief came from, as long as Dabai is here, everything will be fine."

"Dabai is capable of doing it. No movement can escape its ears. Before it can do anything wrong, it will be discovered."

"That makes sense."

Even if the person who came had a scud, he still couldn't run away from Dabai.

Thinking about it this way, there is really no need to worry too much.

After so much fuss, it's past time.

When things are over, there is no need to stay up all night. You have to rest when you have to rest, and you have to sleep when you have to sleep.

All the female relatives stayed in the West Wing, the women went to the East Wing, and the maids squeezed into the West Wing with He Xiner, even Ye Feifeng had the cheek to stay, expressing that he would sleep on the imperial concubine's bed outside.

He Xiner didn't understand this very much. She was a big kang by herself, she could roll as she wanted, and if she didn't go back to the house to sleep comfortably, what was she doing here.

Speaking of being scared, the uncle's room is across the hall from her, okay?
Come on, if he doesn't leave, she won't be able to stare at him, let alone let her really fall asleep.

So, a group of girls lay on the kang, you were next to me, I was next to you, leaning on each other, without saying a word, they all fell asleep.

Ye Shitian, Guan Xiuyuan and Ye Laiyin squeezed together on the kang, and Ye Mantun took Ye Mangui and Ye Manliang to Dongkua courtyard, Ye Xusheng's living room.

They stayed to embolden Lao Ye's family and spend this restless night with them.

Ye Zutian and the others couldn't arrange it, and they didn't have to squeeze together, so they held up the lamp and went back to shine the light.

The lanterns under the eaves are still on, and the breeze blows, and the light and shadow float.

Lao Yetou was lying on the kang with his eyes open, not feeling sleepy at all.

Thinking of his guess, his body couldn't help but tremble.

As soon as Ye Guihua left, the catastrophe of exterminating the family came immediately, which made him have to think about it.

(End of this chapter)

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