The charming girl of the farm gate of crossing

Chapter 1375 It Has Nothing To Do With Us

Chapter 1375 It Has Nothing To Do With Us
Afraid of delaying the journey on the road, no matter how reluctant they were, the few people did not dare to dawdle any longer. They helped to tidy up, and together with Wang, Cao, and Bai who had heard the news, they followed the carriage and went straight to the entrance of the village.

Wang Shi and Bai Shi held Liu Shi's hand and gave various instructions.

Guan Cuizhi was hugged by He Xiner, Ye Yuanyuan and Wang Jinling in turn.

Dabai and Heizi stood beside Guan Mingwei quietly, waiting.

After hugging Guan Cuizhi, He Xiner and Wang Jinling couldn't help but ran to hug Dabai again.

Before, everyone who kept saying that it was getting late, forgot all about it, and they all became sticky, inseparable.

Guan Xiuyuan, Guan Mingwei and his son were both moved and amused, silently looking up at the sky.

The two were embarrassed to urge, but the man driving the car was in a hurry, "cough, cough, it's getting late, if you don't hurry, it will be difficult to find a place to stay at night."

He Xiner silently raised her head to look at the sky, at this time the sun had just hung over the treetops, okay?

"Sister Cuizhi, come back early, I will miss you."

"Dabai, protect Cuizhi well."


When it was really time to say goodbye, I couldn't help but start rambling again after telling me many times.

Mrs. Bai glanced at the Guan family father and son, leaned into Liu's ear and whispered, "A niece whom I haven't seen for many years is married, and it is worth your trip? What are you doing with so much luggage? You plan to stay for a long time?" ? Just go through the motions, come back earlier to earn a piece of money is serious."

Mrs. Liu knew that she had misunderstood, and it was hard to explain, so she nodded and smiled, "I listen to my sister-in-law."

Wang also laughed and said, "Sister-in-law came back earlier to pick wild fruits together."

The three looked at each other and smiled.

Then without further ado, Liu Shi, Guan Cuizhi and Guan Xiuyuan led Heizi into the carriage, Guan Mingwei and Dabai were on the frame.

Guan Xiuyuan went to the town by the way, and he didn't miss his footing at all.

The car window opened, Liu Shi and Guan Cuizhi waved goodbye to everyone one by one, and He Xiner waved desperately.

The man driving the carriage flicked his whip, and the tall black-furred horse ran with hooves, and the sound of rattling gradually faded away.

It wasn't until the carriage gradually turned into a small black spot that Wang, Bai, and Cao took the three little girls, Daha and Erha, and turned back to the village.

Early in the morning, there were not many people walking in the village, and when they met a few people occasionally, Mrs. Bai and Mrs. Wang just said hello and didn't talk much.

At this time, there was no word about the wild boar meat that Lao Ye's family gave generously.

But on the day of catching the thief, everyone who went to Lao Ye's house to help had sweet egg water to drink, and in the eyes of the country people, it was considered very open and bright.

For this reason, some people secretly regretted being lazy for a while and not joining in the fun.

Of course, they never admit that they are greedy for a bowl of egg water, but regret that they missed the opportunity to earn favors in vain.

So, when they saw Wang and the others, they all smiled like Duohua, so let's not mention their enthusiasm.

"My God, what kind of people did you meet along the way, everyone laughed like a fool."

After entering the old Ye's house, Ye Yuanyuan was the first to bear it, rubbing her arms and screaming.

"Whatever, laugh as you like, it has nothing to do with us."

"makes sense."

He Xiner and the others didn't care, so why did they go?

Even Mrs. Bai and Mrs. Wang didn't think much about it. Usually, the big guys just smiled and greeted each other when they saw each other. It was no different except that they smiled a little silly.

But soon, the two of them were not like that.

When wave after wave of people came to make friends, they finally understood the reason.

It's all wild boar.

At the beginning of this month, Da Fang went to Huichun Hall again, Ye Laiyin did not come back from town, old Yetou was busy in the vegetable garden, and He Xiner and the others also ran to help cut leek moss.

Mrs. Bai and Mrs. Wang were going to sort out the remaining rabbit skins and other things, and discuss what they could do with them. They had just entered the Xikua courtyard, and before the shop was set up, Mrs. Cao came to call for someone, saying that many people had come to visit.

(End of this chapter)

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