The charming girl of the farm gate of crossing

Chapter 1376 Is This Man Deliberate?

Chapter 1376 Is This Man Deliberate?

On weekdays, there are few visits.

It's really that old Qian's face is too ugly, he always treats people with his nostrils, but he is not enough to be irritating.

Besides, if it can take some advantage, it's nothing to praise her.

But that's an iron cock, and it doesn't move at all.

No matter how many good things she has, she is not willing to give them to others.

Looking eagerly at her glamorous clothes, I was already jealous, but if she tried to show off, it would be even more annoying.

It's not easy to offend Lao Ye's family, no matter how uncomfortable it is, you can only hold back.

Under such circumstances, who likes to come to visit.

It would be better to sit under the big pagoda tree and chatter freely, occasionally ridiculing old Qian's secretly, it would make me feel happier.

In fact, most people are busy, busy digging food in the soil, busy making a living for a large family, and are too bored to talk about it, just a few back and forth.

A group of old ladies represented by Ye Changsheng's family and Widow Zhang.

The old men in the village also like to get together, but what they talk about is planting and marrying, and then showing off their grandchildren, and they don't gossip about other people's families.

But no matter the old lady or the old men, they were all shocked by the generosity of the pork sent by the old Ye's family.

Their family can't eat meat twice a year, and even during the Chinese New Year, they are not willing to buy a few extra catties to enjoy themselves.

It is said that those who went to Lao Ye's house yesterday lost several catties.

This is said to be a factual and well-founded statement.

Because it was the Lin family of Ye Changsheng's family who said it herself. She ran to the street early in the morning to show off, and her spittle was flying around when she said it, which is called a passion!
Widow Zhang and others were so greedy that their eyes glowed green.

Soon, more and more people were taking the green light.

Oh mother, there are such good things in the world! ,

I just went to say a few words of condolences, I didn't do anything, and I got meat. Why didn't I do such a good thing?
Oops, if I knew this was the case, I shouldn't have waited to watch the excitement.

Isn't it just to say a few nice words? It's not like I can't say it myself, so why didn't I think of it?
Hey, didn't you say that Dabai had hunted two wild boars weighing several hundred catties, even if he divided some, he was still young.

Going now, I don't know if I can take advantage of it.

Even if it's not good, it's not bad anyway, so what are you waiting for, go and express your condolences.

As a result, Lao Ye's house became lively, just like going to the market.

Old Yetou was also called back and had to deal with others patiently.

Wang Shi and Bai Shi chatted with a group of old ladies.

People are coming, so it's hard to drive them away, isn't it?

Ye Changsheng's family looked left and right, but they never saw old Qian's shadow. Thinking that the head of the family also said that he had never seen old Qian, he felt very puzzled.

"I said Wang, where is your mother-in-law? It seems that I haven't seen her for a while."

Wang froze.

Bai rolled his eyes.

Is this man intentional?
Old Yetou's eyes flickered slightly, and he said in a deep voice, "The old lady is in poor health, and she moved out because she was afraid of giving the child the sickness."

He didn't say where to move, anyway, he wasn't in the room.

If you continue to ask questions, it seems that you are deliberately watching people's excitement.

Lin frowned, rolled her eyes, twitched the corners of her mouth, suppressing the question marks in her stomach.

Her family just ate wild pork, but it's hard to make it too special.

Whether his words are credible or not, it has nothing to do with her.

The big guys have come to make good friends with Lao Ye's family, so they can't tear down Lao Ye's platform.

Knowing that old Qian was as strong as a bull, he didn't seem to be able to get sick, but he expressed his concern without delay in asking for warmth.

Lao Yetou answered kindly without any guilt.

Hmph, that old man was already sick, not seriously ill.

When the girl's affairs fade away, she should also die of illness.

(End of this chapter)

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