Chapter 1398 Sore Heart

Ye Xusheng quietly came to the window of the west wing.

Look straight in through the wide open window.

At this time, on the bed of the kang, three girls, two big, one small, and three girls were sleeping crowded together, but they couldn't see clearly through the pink gauze curtain.

On the table next to the wall, the quaint copper furnace is floating with light smoke, and the faint fragrance is wafting slowly~
His little girl was sleeping soundly at this moment.

Such a beautiful summer afternoon.

The corners of Ye Xusheng's lips curled up.

The restless heart gradually calmed down.


Guan Mingwei had been running around for several days, he was exhausted and sleepy, coupled with the inability to drink, his whole body was completely empty, this time he slept very soundly, when he woke up, it was almost the time of You.

He was still a little confused.

Standing up slowly with his head in his arms, he blankly glanced at everything around him.

After he reacted, he realized that he was still at Lao Ye's house.

He jumped off the kang with a swish, quickly put on his shoes, and was about to run outside.

In the study room across the hall, Ye Xusheng heard the movement, put down the book in his hand, got up calmly and went out to greet him.

Guan Mingwei, who was about to walk quickly to the main hall, saw him and his first reaction was a little shy.

So embarrassing.

In front of the elders of the big family, getting drunk like mud, it is really, really shameless to face others.

"Xu Sheng."

His voice is a little hoarse.


Ye Xusheng was not used to being called by his name.

"Did you sleep well? Did you have a headache?"

While talking, motioned him to sit down and rest, and poured him a glass of warm water by the way.

The person in front of him is his future uncle and someone he really admires. Guan Mingwei still pays attention to his personal image, so he shouldn't be in a hurry to put on airs.

After thanking him, he took the teacup and drank it all in one go.

His throat was thirsty and uncomfortable, so he was not polite.

Ye Xusheng sat still, calm on the surface, but in his heart he overturned the bottle of five flavors, entangled with all kinds of tastes, sour, sweet, bitter, spicy and salty. .

This kid is used to finding excuses to pester Xin'er, and with his master's words, now he can stay at home for dinner and stay at home...

The calm heart became restless again.

Ye Xusheng on this side was worried that he would continue to pester He Xiner, while Guan Mingwei on the other side said he was going to the town, because he came back from Dangqiu County and hadn't seen his father yet.

Ye Xusheng...

He didn't even know how to describe his mood.

Heart sour, very unpleasant.

In any case, he was relieved that the kid was no longer at home at night.

But when he saw his grandfather and second uncle enthusiastically persuading him to stay, his heart would loosen a little or two, as if a big rock had been crushed, and he couldn't breathe heavily.

Fortunately, He Xin'er and the others were playing in the Xikua courtyard. They didn't know that Guan Mingwei was leaving, so they didn't say goodbye, otherwise his heart would be even more congested.

So, he pretended not to know what Guan Mingwei was thinking, and without giving him a chance to see He Xiner, he took him directly to the backyard to tie up the mule cart, and set off from the side door.

After rushing all the way, when we arrived at Pingning Town, the golden sunset was still hanging on the top of the west mountain.

Saying goodbye to Guan Mingwei, he drove home alone in the mule cart in the afterglow of the setting sun, feeling pretty good.

He wanted to remind him that Pan's family had moved, but after thinking about it, he didn't think it was necessary, so he didn't say much.

Uncle Guan is in the town, so he should have known about this by now.

Well, Uncle Guan, who loves his daughter so much, can't help but miss her, and he will bring her back in a few days.

The girl from the Guan family is back, this kid has no reason to look for Xin'er, right?
But what Ye Xusheng didn't expect was that the Guan family father and son were not in a hurry to fetch Liu's mother and daughter back.

At this time, in Ming Lanxuan Room of Taifeng Building, Guan Mingwei looked at his father in disbelief, "The whole Pan family moved out of Pingning Town?"

Seeing his son's eyeballs popping out of shock, Guan Xiuyuan couldn't help touching his chin.

When he heard the news, he was as shocked as his son, and the expression on his face was probably the same, so ugly...

(End of this chapter)

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