Chapter 1399 Needless to say

Guan Xiuyuan knew very well that what happened to the Pan family was done by Zhang Dongqiang, so he was more shocked than his own son.

Mainly because he was shocked by the ability of the Zhang family boy.

The Pan family is deeply rooted in Pingning Town, backed by the magistrate of the county, so it cannot be easily shaken by ordinary people.

But just after Zhi'er found Zhang's boy, Pan's family moved out of Pingning Town that night, which is intriguing.

How did the Zhang family boy do it?

Because of his daughter's family concerns, Zhang Dongqiang had already left, and Guan Xiuyuan was full of questions and couldn't talk to others.

He had thought about asking Ye Xusheng, Sheng boy had the best relationship with the Zhang family boy, and he might know the details of that boy.

But he thought about it for a while, but he didn't speak.

The Zhang family boy has already left, and he is still thinking of abducting Sheng boy to be his son-in-law, so he must not let him know what is on his daughter's mind.

And all right, he couldn't explain what happened to the Pan family.

You can't let Mr. Sheng know that the surnamed Pan hit his daughter's idea.

Therefore, all thoughts and guesses can only be kept in my heart.

It's all right now, my son is back, and I can finally vomit quickly.

Then, Guan Mingwei's jaw dropped to the carpet in shock.

"Is the Zhang family responsible for the Pan family? My sister likes the Zhang family boy? The Zhang family boy left and never came back?"

There was too much information at once, and he had to sort it out.

Guan Xiuyuan sipped tea leisurely, not looking at his son's troubled face.

Finally throwing out the questions that filled my stomach, my heart became much clearer.

"Father, I suspect that the Zhang family boy has a lot of background."

The corner of Guan Xiuyuan's mouth twitched.

Needless to say!
It's just nonsense.

He snorted angrily, Guan Xiuyuan didn't want to talk to his stupid son.

"I don't know if Xu Sheng knows the origin of the Zhang family kid."

Guan Xiuyuan pondered and said, "Boy Sheng has a close relationship with Zhang's father and son. If you don't know anything about it, it's impossible. Brother Zhang and Boy Sheng dealt with the thief when I went home."

"But father reckons that the Zhang family boy has too much background, so he might tell Sheng boy in detail."

"It's true. The Zhang family boy lives in seclusion and doesn't show up easily. He must be unwilling to be seen by others."

Guan Mingwei was full of emotion, "The Zhang family and his son have stayed in Yejia Village for several years, and I have never met Zhang Dongqiang once. I am really shocked."

"It's also thanks to the blessing of Sheng boy that Zhang's father and son have taken care of our family."

Similarly, Guan Xiuyuan also felt a lot of emotion. The Zhang family boy had an extraordinary status. If it wasn't for Xu Sheng's friendship, he wouldn't have any contact with the Guan family.

The father and father sighed a lot, and they both said that it was Ye Xusheng's pure heart and good conduct that won the favor of Zhang's father and son.

Following this topic, Guan Xiuyuan revealed his plan.

"Speaking of which, Zhi'er really has a good eye. The Zhang family boy is a dragon and a phoenix, not to mention his background and status, let alone his heart and character, and that boy is very handsome, elegant and noble, first-class handsome man."

"Oh, it's a pity, Zhi'er doesn't have enough predestined relationship with him!"

Guan Xiuyuan was heartbroken for losing his good son-in-law, and also felt sorry for his young daughter, who was hurt by this love.

Guan Mingwei, who had just learned the inside story, couldn't help but sigh with regret.

Just when he felt sorry for his hurt little sister, he was stunned by his father's next words.

"The Zhang family boy has already left. Let's not talk about it again in the future, lest Zhi'er will be sad..."

Guan Mingwei nodded, deeply agreeing.

But then he couldn't keep up with his father's train of thought.

"Father has carefully calculated that apart from Zhang's boy, the only one who can match Zhi'er in terms of character, knowledge, and appearance is Sheng. After a while, Zhi'er calmed down, and Dad Discuss with Uncle Ye about their marriage."

Uncle wants to become brother-in-law?

Guan Mingwei was dumbfounded!
(End of this chapter)

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