Chapter 1403 Just give it to me
"Sister Cuizhi, I really like this Begonia Red Ling Luo Ru skirt, so you can give it to me! I'll treat you to sesame candies, okay?"

Wu's second daughter, Guan Shiyan, is 12 years old, a whole head shorter than Guan Cuizhi.

Ordinarily, Guan Cuizhi's dress was not suitable for her at all, with wide shoulders, long sleeves, and the hem of the skirt dragging the floor.

But she is rare.

It's nothing big, just ask her mother to make it smaller.

Because she was still young, before it was time to talk about marriage, the stingy Mrs. Wu was reluctant to buy her decent clothes and jewelry.

She hasn't worn Ling Luo's dress yet~
Speaking of which, even Guan Shiyi, who was brought around by the Wu family, only had two sets of Lingluo dresses, and the rest were fine cotton clothes.

After all, the Guan family is a small family, and the Wu family is a stingy master, no matter how coveted those luxurious clothes, they are not willing to spend them.

The two sons want to make friends with the son of a rich family, so they can't afford to travel with their clothes, and they have to eat, drink and socialize. When they spend money, it's not like they belong to them.

As for the flower items of the two ancestors, the interest rate of the grocery store is almost unsupportable, so how can I have enough money to dress up the two maids.

Girl dolls, as long as they look good, they are better than anything else, and one or two sets of decent clothes are enough for going out.

Both Guan Shiyi and Qing Shiyan are used to their mother's partiality, and they know that they are not as good as men.

There is no other thought.

They are not comparable to the ladies from rich families, but they are much better than Guan Cuizhi who lives in the country. Everyone has the surname Guan, and they all have the same ancestor. They eat well, drink well, and dress well in the city, and her good cousin But it's miserable, let's not talk about whether you are full or not. I guess a girl in her teens can't afford even a decent fine cotton dress.

Hehe, aren't all country folks like that? It would be nice to have a piece of unpatched fine linen clothes.

It has to be said that Wu's education is still very successful.

Under her constant nagging for ten years, and under her persistent remarks of stepping down the big house and elevating herself, the four brothers and sisters of the second room all looked down on the big room.

Just before Guan Cuizhi came here, the two sisters Guan Shiyi and Guan Shiyan were still thinking together how to give the bumpkins in the countryside a blow.

Well, let's take out the momentum first.

Dressed up brightly and beautifully, just standing there can shock people, and then, they can do whatever they want?

Tell her to face east but not west, tell her to stand but not sit.

Hehe, just thinking about that scene is exciting!

The left and right are just a small thing that people play with at will. Before serving the nobles, shouldn't it be right for the two sisters to have some fun?
Then, they miscalculated and failed to shock the audience, but Guan Cuizhi was dazzled by the exquisite dress.

Guan Shiyi is even more obsessed with Dabai, thinking of bullying her for herself.

As for Guan Shiyan, her eyes and mind are full of beautiful dresses.

Not just a set of begonia red Ling Luoru skirts, but all of them.

Guan Cuizhi's dresses are exquisite, she wants them all!

Although her mother said that after sending people away in two days, these beautiful dresses will be divided into two parts, one for her and the eldest sister.

But she couldn't wait.

She was also afraid that her mother's words would not count, so in order to save face for the eldest sister, she gave all the beautiful clothes to the eldest sister.

So, now she has to dominate a few sets first.

Guan Shiyan still has a childish little face, white and smooth, a pair of beautiful almond eyes are black and white, full of autumn water, and when she smiles, she is gentle and quiet.

Her eyebrows are like willows, her lips are like vermilion, she is a very beautiful little girl.

Ordinarily, such a little beauty is very rare.

But Guan Cuizhi didn't like her, and she couldn't say why.

Guan Shiyan smiled sweetly, and acted like a baby to Guan Cuizhi, as if the relationship between the two was so close.

Guan Cuizhi frowned.

What happened to these two sisters?

One is trying to occupy Dabai, and the other is asking for clothes. What's wrong with this?
(End of this chapter)

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