Chapter 1404

Ignoring Guan Shiyan's ingratiating smile, Guan Cuizhi's tone was flat but beyond doubt.

This set of Begonia Red Ling Luo Ru skirt was a ready-to-wear dress that I bought with sisters Xiner, Yuanyuan, and Linger. The four of them chose the same fabric and the same style, only the colors were different.

I bought the clothes and wore them twice.

She also wants to wear it when she plays with her little sisters~
Guan Shiyan's smile froze on her face.

She didn't expect that the other party would mercilessly refuse.

"You have so many dresses, and there are only a few of these begonia red ones. Why don't you give me one?"

In an instant, the cute smile on Guan Shiyan's face disappeared completely, and she couldn't hold back her temper anymore.

Hmph, if it wasn't for her mother's words, you are not allowed to quarrel with them before you find out how Da Fang has made money.

At this time, Mrs. Liu was not there.

She is restless, and feels that she lives in someone else's house and doesn't enjoy idle food, so she goes out to buy vegetables with a vegetable basket every afternoon.

Guan Cuizhi also wanted to go, she didn't want to face the second room person alone, but Liu was scared out of the shadows by the surname Pan.

In this unfamiliar place, it is better to pay attention to one or two things.

The daughter is as delicate as a flower bone and has a delicacy of water. If someone looks at it and makes people think about it, it will be troublesome.

So Liu Shi gently persuaded Guan Cuizhi to go shopping with Heizi.

In the East Wing where they lived temporarily, only Guan Cuizhi and Guan Shiyan were there at the moment. The two little girls were both as beautiful as flowers, making this ordinary room brighter.

Guan Cuizhi's expression was still indifferent, but she didn't give in at all, "How many clothes I have is my business, what does it have to do with you?"

"you you……"

Guan Shiyan was almost choked by her.

Suddenly she hooked the corners of her lips, and mocked sarcastically, "As expected, she came from the country. She doesn't pay attention to etiquette at all. She eats and drinks from my family, not to mention offering something to show her heart. Even my cousin She doesn't agree to such a small request, she doesn't look like a sister at all, and she doesn't fear being laughed at when she speaks out."

Originally, Guan Cuizhi was not in a good mood, and she missed her little sisters, and was bored, when this shameless thing jumped out, like a big fly, buzzing around her.

She is more annoying.

"If you want to drink outside, just take care of it and don't waste your time here."

Guan Shiyan was stunned by her words.

"You, you, a woman, are you not afraid of ruining your reputation?"

In any era, a woman's reputation is very important. If her reputation is ruined, she will have no future at all, and she will be lonely forever.

But her threat was useless to Guan Cuizhi.

And he looked down on Erfang's style even more.

Who are these people? They are young and have a lot of crooked thoughts.

"Your words are really ridiculous. My mother goes shopping every day, and our mother and daughter have never eaten for free, and my mother also helps with housework. How can you take advantage of your family?"

The little beauty Guan Cuizhi glanced at her coldly, then lowered her head and continued her embroidery.

"Besides, if you drink it out and let others know that you forced the guests, it will also lose your own face. You are not afraid, what am I afraid of?"

Guan Shiyan looked at her in disbelief.

Didn't her mother say that this cousin has been submissive since she was a child?

For this reason, she purposely watched the ones who came to find good things when the eldest aunt was away.

Considering that she has a soft temper and is in their family's territory, even if she suffers a little grievance, she has to bear it by herself.

But what is the situation now?
Is this also called being submissive?

"Cousin, cousin really loves to joke."

"My younger sister is just playing around with her older sister, so don't take it seriously."

Thinking of her mother's confession, Guan Shiyan didn't dare to turn her back for the time being, she was so aggrieved that she was dying, and she had to find ways to get back those words.

Hateful and annoyed, she wanted to scratch the other person's face.

(End of this chapter)

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