Chapter 1417 Take That Kid

Wu Shi raised her head abruptly, and looked at the stupid Liu Shi in disbelief.

Although she kept denouncing Liu Shi's hooker in her heart, she knew better than anyone else that Liu Shi was not that kind of person.

She only thought that these people were hired by Mrs. Liu, after all Mrs. Liu was always generous.

It was because of the big family's mother and daughter, who were well dressed and not short of money, that she went mad with jealousy, and planned to sell the other's daughter, then dig out all Liu's money, and then find someone else's teeth to sell.

Who told her to piss me off? If you don't count her plotting, who is she plotting against?

As for whether Guan Xiuyuan would come to find someone, she wasn't worried at all.

Just like what the second child said, this is Dangqiu County, which is their territory, not to mention that her father has a close relationship with Wu staff, everything is covered by Wu staff.

It's nothing to do with it, and I'm not afraid of that person.

With him as a weak scholar, what kind of waves can he make in this unfamiliar place?

As long as you firmly insist that the mother and daughter ran away by themselves, no one can do anything to her.

It's all calculated, and I thought it was safe, but, but what's the situation now?

Impossible, impossible!

It is impossible for Mrs. Liu to know any prince!
That man must be talking nonsense.

Yes, that's what he was talking about.

Wu shi tried to deny it in her heart, but she couldn't help shaking into a ball.

These thoughts are slow to say, but in fact they are very fast. The bearded man's words successfully shocked Guan Zhenchang. They were escorted to the front hall by rude escorts, and they were all trembling with fear.

Member Wu's family, Ding Xingwang, had four sons and two daughters, six grandsons, and nine granddaughters. Except for a few sons and two eldest grandsons who were absent, none of the others were dragged along.

"Take that kid!"

The bearded man casually pointed at half a man, who was pressed to the ground, unable to move.

"Cut off a finger and show the old man."

The bearded man grinned wildly, laughing wildly.

The boy shouted desperately, "Grandfather save me! Grandfather save me!"

Cutting fingers, not to mention whether it hurts or not, not to mention whether losing fingers is ugly or not, but only to say that being disabled means that there is no possibility of being an official. He is a good scholar and has no future at all. Life is almost at the end.

Seeing that his little grandson was going to suffer, Wu Zhenchang couldn't hold on any longer, and hoarsely shouted, "Stop, stop, I say, I say!"

Just at this time, a group of police officers with knives suddenly rushed out, "The official is here, and you will catch the thief before you put your hands up."

These arresters have always been used to being arrogant and defiant, and they are not afraid even when they see a large number of them.

It is impossible for bandits to enter the city when the sky is clear and broad daylight.

It's just a bunch of savage guys, it's okay to be rough with ordinary people, but when you meet the bad guy, don't you want to behave like a rabbit.

It's a pity that this group of people is not rabbits, but a group of soldiers, each of whom is tough.

Although they are not from the front line, there is blood on their hands, all of them have killed people.

It's just a few fast catchers with knives, and they can be taken in two or three hits.

I'm not afraid of it, but I'm afraid of making trouble and it's hard to explain to my superiors.

After all, they are not bandits, but organized and disciplined regular troops.

Although the general said lightly that he wanted to take the black hat of the dog county magistrate, but they knew it in their hearts, the prince was not something they wanted to see, even if they passed the words, they couldn't pass them on.

Besides, how could the prince be disturbed by such a trivial matter.

At this point, let's see if the bearded man is tough enough.

But his identity as a centurion...

Others don't know that Ye Dahu is Zhang Tieniu's man, but the bearded man knows, so he is not afraid of these county magistrates at all.

Glancing at Ye Dahu, he waved to someone who was smart and whispered a few words in his ear.

(End of this chapter)

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