Chapter 1418
After Zhang Tieniu got the news, his first reaction was why are Ye Dahu's relatives here?

Then, he quickly thought of Guan Cuizhi.

That kid likes Guan's girl.

That time, he almost lost his life in order to save Guan girl, so it is not a big deal to make such a big commotion.

But isn't the girl from the Guan family living in Yejia Village well?
He couldn't figure it out for a while, so he didn't bother to think too much, he might as well go and see for himself.

That boy Ye Dahu is not bad, and besides, this kind of kidnapping and trafficking of civilian girls is really abhorrent, if you don't know about it, it's fine, if you know about it, naturally you can't let it go.

Soon, Zhang Tieniu in military uniform arrived in a hurry on horseback.

It was already past noon, and the two groups of people had been deadlocked for more than two quarters of an hour.

The besieged policemen were cursing at first, but finally they were gagged by the impatient bearded man, and finally calmed down.

He is not stupid, he knows that this matter is a bit tricky, if the little girl from Huzi's relative's family is sent to an ordinary family, the old man would have recruited it long ago.

It must be because the other end is not an ordinary person that he still does not recruit after such a toss.

The general had already been notified, and the bearded man did not threaten Yuanwai Wu again.

Everyone, including Wu Shi, was tied up under his order.

They were not in the mood to eat, so they ordered the servants of the Wu family to boil some water for drinking.

The bearded old god was sitting on the grand master's chair waiting for others.

Mrs. Liu ran all morning without taking a sip of water. She was anxious and angry, her voice was too hoarse to speak, and she was too emaciated.

Originally thought that with so many helpers, it would be easy to find my daughter, but who would have thought that the incident would become so serious, and the other party would still not reveal her whereabouts.

There are so many things to do in half a day...

She gradually despaired, her eyes were dull, her expression was numb, and her heart was ashamed.

When Ye Dahu softly persuaded her to drink, Zhang Tieniu suddenly appeared in front of Liu Shi like a heavenly soldier descending from heaven.

The empty eyes slowly became more vivid, and the numb expression also came alive, like crying or sad, she opened her mouth and shouted, "Brother Zhang..."

Almost no sound.

Tears flowed down his cheeks like a bank.

The stuck brain was spinning slowly, but there was a buzzing in her ears. She couldn't hear the other party's words clearly, but she could see the other party's mouth shape. "Don't worry, brother and sister, I will go find the girl now."

Tears had already blurred her eyes, and she couldn't see the figure of the other party clearly, so she just nodded vigorously.

Mrs. Liu, who was devastated by the disappearance of her daughter, was already in a state of urgency and almost fainted. She just pushed herself around and ran around. In this scorching sun, she was invaded by evil fire and attacked internally and externally. Her body was already unbearable. burden.

She was overwhelmed with grief, and she hadn't touched a drop of water, and her spirit was already in a trance.

Even after seeing Zhang Tieniu, his heart became clearer, but his reaction was still slow.

At this time, her eyes were red and swollen, she was upset and hot, dizzy, tinnitus and deaf, in short, she was completely dizzy and in a state of falling down at any time.

That is to say, seeing old acquaintances and seeing Zhang Tieniu who has helped them a lot, she is a little more energetic, but she can barely understand Zhang Tieniu's words, and she is the same for other people and the environment she is in. Can't care less.

Therefore, she couldn't see the surprised eyes of the bearded man and the others.

But Wu Shi, Guan Pingyuan and others stared wide-eyed in horror.

That general in military uniform called Mrs. Liu his younger brother and sister?And comfort her kindly?

In the scorching sun of June, Wu shi broke into a cold sweat from fright, and felt a bone-piercing coolness rise from the soles of her feet and spread to her limbs and bones.


There are plenty of people who feel as finished as she does.

As for Guan Ping, his eyeballs almost fell to the ground in astonishment, and his heart became even more tense, terrified to the extreme.

(End of this chapter)

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