The charming girl of the farm gate of crossing

Chapter 1425 Do You Want To Send A Letter?

Chapter 1425 Do You Want To Send A Letter?
The Lao Sheng that Zhang Dongqiang said was the shopkeeper of the bookstore and the leader of the secret guard in charge of intelligence collection.

He is well-informed without saying anything, and he is the one who has seen the true face of the miracle doctor. He is more confident than others in finding the miracle doctor.

It was originally said that Zhang Dongqiang left someone to protect Ye Xusheng, but now that the situation is urgent, it is even more urgent to find a miracle doctor, so he can only call him first.

He has served Xu Sheng before, if you have any difficulties, you can go to Zuixiangju to ask for help, it should be fine.

Zhang Tieniu immediately made arrangements, and personally selected a reliable person to go to the Wu Mansion to take care of Mrs. Liu.

She is in a very serious condition now, and it is difficult to move.

In addition, it is necessary to cut off the news so that Guan Cuizhi will not know about her mother's situation.

The tragic experience of the mother and daughter made Zhang Tieniu so angry that he made up his mind not to let any of them go.

Right now, Zhang Dongqiang's full attention is on Guan Cuizhi, and he ordered to find a miracle doctor, and leave all other matters to him.

The tacit understanding developed over the years, the other party doesn't need to say anything, Zhang Tieniu knows what it means.

After settling down the Liu family himself, Zhang Tieniu immediately arranged for people to raid the homes of Wei Wenjin, magistrate of Dangqiu County, and Jia Tai, prefect of Tongzhou.

Although the Wu family and the Guan family were small households, they did not let them go, and ordered people to copy things and seal up the house.

Except for Guan Chuyun, who was personally deposed by him and exposed to the sun to death, all the others were exiled.

Guan Pingyuan cried and pleaded, saying that he is Guan Cuizhi's second uncle, and that he and her father, mother and siblings are blood relatives, even if there is something wrong, he is not guilty of death.

Yes, he was afraid of death, terribly afraid.

One arm was gone, and the blood on his body was almost bled dry. The person was already dying of pain, and only a few breaths were left.

With a wound the size of a bowl, rushing under the sun, he must have died on the way.

He is afraid!

One arm is gone, so it’s gone. He died on Liulu Road, and there is not even a body collector.

Zhang Tieniu sneered.

There are such shameless people in the world, who have the nerve to talk about blood relatives, knowing that flesh and blood relatives are still so calculating, how can a dog have the face to beg for mercy.

Is he such a foolish master?
As for the female relatives complaining about grievances, especially the female relatives of the Wu family, they cried and shouted, claiming that they did not know what happened, and that they had nothing to do with them, and they were innocent.

In this regard, Zhang Tieniu did not say much.

One person breaks the law, and the whole family sits together. This is the law of the Ming Dynasty.

After finishing everything, the sky was already dark, and the food and grass that were originally planned to be transported should also be set off. The bearded man returned to the escort agency in an orderly manner, including the worried Ye Dahu.

Zhang Tieniu said a few words of comfort before he turned and left.

Miss Guan and Aunt Liu are being taken care of by the general, so he can rest assured that it is better than being taken care of by a rough old man.

At the same time, he deeply felt that his ability was too small to protect the person he loved. Only when he became stronger could he make the bad guys afraid and protect Miss Guan.

He has to work hard, and he must stand out.

After finishing the aftermath, Zhang Tieniu confessed to Zhang Dongqiang with a heavy heart, and said in a deep voice, "Brother Guan, do you want to send a letter and tell him?"

"Find a miracle doctor and heal the person, let's talk about it."

"Alright, so they don't worry."

They have been here for a few days, and they were going to set up camp to set off, but now because of Liu's condition, they have to stay for two days, and when she is more stable, they will hurry on their way, waiting for news from the genius doctor while walking.

In the current state of the mother and daughter, if Guan Xiuyuan found out, there was nothing he could do except get angry.

They didn't have time to wait for Guan Xiuyuan's arrival, so they had to hide a thing or two first.

The Guan family and his son wanted to send people here because they wanted them to stay for a long time to avoid the draft. They would not come to pick them up in the near future, and they were not afraid that they would find out.

Zhang Tieniu nodded in agreement.

Two days later, King Ping and others set off for the north.

Liu Shi, who was unconscious, and Guan Cuizhi, who refused to see him after waking up, also went together, but the two were separated and had never met. When they reached the border of the Northland, they were also arranged separately in the city house, and did not follow King Ping to the military camp. .

After the mother and daughter were settled properly, Zhang Dongqiang sent a large number of people to find the whereabouts of the miracle doctor.

(End of this chapter)

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