The charming girl of the farm gate of crossing

Chapter 1426 Let's call him

Chapter 1426 Let's call him

The news of Liu's mother and daughter had not reached Yejia Village, so everyone had no way of knowing.

On the first day of this day, both Guan Mingwei and Ye Xusheng were bathed.

After learning about the agreement of the two elders, Guan Mingwei didn't treat himself as an outsider more and more, and ran to Lao Ye's house non-stop after school the first day, and was enthusiastically persuaded by Lao Yetou to stay, and half-pushed and half-willed to stay for dinner and accommodation.

The person who drank two glasses of wine was so excited that he couldn't sleep at night, he pulled Ye Xusheng to chat about various things, such as reading, talking about the future, talking about He Xiner...

A person with unusually keen insight on weekdays, he only cares about making close friends with the uncle he believes, and doesn't notice any difference in the other's expression. .

After rambling on for half the night, sleepiness hit him, and he fell asleep happily, not knowing that Ye Xusheng stayed up all night.

Waking up early in the morning, Guan Mingwei was full of energy and radiant.

Ye Xusheng, who went to the deep mountains and ran for most of the night, and practiced boxing and kicking in Zhang's house for two hours, his cheeks were slightly pale, and the color of his eye circles was also a little darker, faintly blue.

"Brother Hall, your complexion is not very good, did you not rest at night?"

It was agreed yesterday, and today we are going to go hunting in the mountains. He Xiner, Ye Yuanyuan and Wang Jinling all got up early, dressed happily, washed and dressed happily, and went east across the courtyard happily. run.

He Xin'er, who was in the lead, was about to fly lightly. Before she could reach her, she happily called Big Brother and Big Brother Guan.

Guan Mingwei smiled naively.

Ye Xusheng's mood was complicated, and his eyes were deep.

He Xiner immediately felt that something was wrong with him, as if he was in a bad mood.

Guan Mingwei, who was happily giggling all the time, was taken aback when he heard the words, "Xu Sheng, didn't sleep well last night? Did I disturb you?"

Ye Xusheng calmed down and said in a deep voice, "It's nothing, I slept well."

Guan Mingwei immediately laughed silly again.

He Xiner looked suspiciously at the eldest brother, and found nothing wrong, so she became interested again, and together with Yuanyuan and little cousin urged the two to leave quickly.

That means I don't have breakfast~
Seeing the anxious little girl, Ye Xusheng couldn't help but curled the corners of his mouth, and his eyes cleared up a lot.

He thought it would be better to leave earlier, lest the kid surnamed Zeng stick to him shamelessly.

So, several people excitedly prepared water and necessary items, greeted Mrs. Wang, and took Dabai, Daha, and Erha out of the house in a mighty way, just in time with the shameless and sticky Zeng Li ran into each other head-on.

Ye Xusheng...

Come on, this man did it on purpose.

He suddenly chuckled and said, "Brother Zeng, Brother Mancang didn't go to town, is he at home?"

With a new hostile target, Zeng Li, who is wholeheartedly guarding against Guan Mingwei, has a good attitude towards him, "Well, that's right, the eldest brother-in-law is at home."

"Brother Mancang also likes hunting, since he is at home, let's call him."

"Well, listen to Xiner."

Ye Yuanyuan laughed and said, "Not only the eldest brother likes hunting, but the second brothers also like hunting, especially the fifth brother likes Dabai the most. I wish I could take Dabai to the mountains every day to show off."

"It's not too busy at home now, let's all go together. There are more people and it's lively."

Everyone had no objection, they went to call people happily, Ye Mancang, Ye Mantun and other brothers heard that they were going to the mountains, they were all overjoyed, they didn't care about the work at hand, they drank happily and went up the mountain together.

Well, with the addition of nine young men, the entire team more than doubled in size.

A group of people marched into the mountain in a mighty way, not to mention the excitement. Those who didn't know thought they were digging for some treasure.

In the early morning of summer, the sun is shining brightly, the breeze is refreshing, and the air in the mountains is particularly fresh and pleasant.

He Xiner, Ye Yuanyuan, and Guan Cuizhi were all in high spirits, picking flowers and grass from time to time, having a great time.

(End of this chapter)

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