The charming girl of the farm gate of crossing

Chapter 1439 Don't let it go bad

Chapter 1439 Don't let it go bad

Feeling that she had lost face, Lin's face was flushed with embarrassment, but no one said anything to smooth things over, so she was a little bit off stage.

I can't help but feel resentment in my heart.

Ye Dahe is an old man, but he has shallow eyesight and is used to watching people order food.

Last time when the elder brother who was the village head was there, he was generous. Even those old things who were useless and only occupied a generation, he shared a few catties of meat without leaving behind. Now there is no elder brother. , he searched for it.

Bah, a dimeless iron cock!
"Hehe, hehe..."

A wave of anger rushed straight to his forehead, but he couldn't vent it, after all, he still didn't want to offend Lao Ye's family.

Lin smiled dryly, and her old eyes rolled around restlessly.

"I saw that pig weighed more than 400 catties. Your family is small and you can't eat it. In this hot day, you must let it go bad..."

Widow Zhang quickly followed suit.

Lao Ye frowned and was about to speak, when Lin suddenly changed his tone, "I'm not thinking about it, your family can't finish it, why don't you sell it to us at a lower price.

Even though it's a wild thing in the mountains, something that doesn't cost money, we big guys can't take advantage of it for nothing, right?

However, you also know that everyone's life is not rich, so you can give us a little bit cheaper.

In this way, your pork will not be wasted, and you can exchange it for two small coins, and we big guys can also eat two bites of meat to replenish oil and water. "

Widow Zhang and the others were stunned, they didn't expect her to come up with such an idea.

It's true that they want to eat meat, but they don't want to spend money.

If she wants the spare money to buy meat, why does she need to look at Ye Dahe's face?
She kept winking at Mrs. Lin, but it was a pity that the other party ignored her at all.

Isn't this bastard Ye Dahe tough, he dared not give her face, hey, she is going to fight with him today, she must eat meat.

Anyway, she didn't have any money on her, so she owed the meat on credit first, and then asked the old man for money if she was capable.

When the time comes, let the old man stay at the elder brother's house, and see if he has the nerve to ask for money in front of the village chief.

Hmph, when the time comes, the pork will be given for nothing, and you won't earn any favors. Let's see if you lose money?

Lin's little abacus was rattling, and he was still secretly trembling, as if he had succeeded. Yes, his old eyes are bright and bright.

Old Yetou glanced at her faintly, his face darkened even more.

Is this playing him for a fool?

"You don't have to worry about it, pork is not for sale."

There were no extra words, just this one sentence dispelled Lin's scheming, she felt like someone had seen through her so suddenly, her old face was burning hot.

Others didn't think it was a big deal, and Lao Ye's family wasn't short of that little money. They didn't intend to sell pork, so it wasn't surprising.

Lin, on the other hand, felt embarrassed that someone could see into her mind.

At this time, anyone who wants to save face will find an excuse to withdraw, or go to the backyard to watch the fun and enjoy the sight.

Lin, Widow Zhang and others did not leave, sticky just did not move their nests.

"Oh, by the way, is old Qian's illness better? We old sisters are very worried about her, and we agreed to come to see her when we have free time. Isn't it just because we are free today, so we come here together gone."

Feeling ashamed, Lin's mind was full of thoughts on how to stabilize the situation, and suddenly thought of the old Qian who hadn't shown up for a long time.

As if he had finally found an outlet, he kept following this topic, showing the attitude of not giving up until he saw someone.

In fact, she became angry from embarrassment, and deliberately wanted to see the jokes of Lao Ye's family.

Although I dare not offend Lao Ye's family too much, but this kind of thing was done by them themselves, and she didn't make up nonsense, so she can't be blamed.

After all, she didn't say anything, did she.

Widow Zhang and others understood what she meant in seconds, and they were all annoyed because they didn't take advantage of it, so they also wished that Lao Ye's family would make a fool of themselves, so they all started booing.

What I don't know is that they are here to bring justice to Lao Yetou who tortured and killed someone.

(End of this chapter)

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