Chapter 1440 I will help

Since the Ye Mancang brothers dragged the wild boar into the house, the whole old Ye family has become lively, especially some half-grown children who heard the news and came to watch the fun, all gathered in the backyard to watch the wild boar, shouting excitedly , the sound was so loud that it woke up Xiao Qianshi, Ye Feifeng and Xiao Xuyang who were taking a nap.

Little Qian, whose dream was disturbed, angrily sent Ye Feifeng to the backyard to investigate the situation.

After learning what was going on, she felt a little apprehensive.

Hmph, a group of poor ghosts, when they see her Lao Ye's family has pork, they are like cats stealing meat, so don't be ashamed to stick to it.

She glanced at the ignorant youngest son, the pink and jade-carved little doll was holding a big bad wolf doll in a daze, with big watery eyes, black and white, bright and bright, but the eyes were a little straight.

Little Qian curled her lips in disgust.

She was complaining about her youngest son in her heart, not giving her face and not saying anything, and costing the family so much money.

Zuo Zuo is a fool, no matter how much money is spent, it is useless, it is better to spend it for her.

As long as she got the money together, she would be throbbing with heartache.

But there is nothing he can do about the eccentric Xianggong.

Her eyes were fixed on the little golden gourd on Xiao Xuyang's neck, which Ye Laiyin bought for his little nephew with confidence because he never put it in his mouth when he watched him play with the silver bells.

At that time, Xiaoqian was extremely proud, and felt that Ye Laiyin finally had some insight.

But slowly, she became unbalanced in her heart. She was getting old and hadn't gotten any gold ornaments yet. These little kids were full of gold, silver, and jade, but she was so mad. .

She wants gold too~
But Ye Laijin was not used to her, no matter how much she tried to be humble, it was useless.

After Ye Guihua was gone, because the old Qian was locked up, she picked up a big leak and took over all Ye Guihua's jewelry, feeling very proud for a while.

As a result, after being found out by Ye Laijin, all of them were confiscated and handed over to Lao Yetou for safekeeping.

Xiaoqian was so angry that he almost vomited blood.

However, even if she really vomited blood, she couldn't change Ye Laijin's mind, and her anger was white.

After gaining and losing those good things, she became the poorest female member of the family again.

Ye Feifeng and Xiao Xuyang's little golden gourd, she had thought about getting it and turning it into two sets of golden earrings, but Ye Feifeng broke it in front of Ye Laijin, so she didn't succeed, and was brutally punished. He cursed hard.

So, she continued to live poorly, without a single piece of gold jewelry, and the plain silver hairpin on her head was bought with silver from Ye Feifeng's clothes.

In other words, she had accumulated some money, but she was not willing to spend it, so she wanted to take it from others.

So now, if she wants to put on a show in front of those poor ghosts, she doesn't have a good outfit.

Seeing her mother's straight eyes, Ye Feifeng's scalp tingled, "Boss and dad are watching the slaughter of pigs in the backyard, and I will help too."

Throwing the next sentence, she ran faster than a rabbit.

Xiao Qian rolled her eyes in annoyance.

The clothes and things that Xiao Xuyang wears are all good, and she is also good-looking, carved in pink and jade, cute and cute, which is quite good for others.

He wears a golden gourd around his neck, a silver bell around his waist, peach wood axe, peach wood sword, etc. There are a lot of zeros, sevens and eights, and they jingle and jingle when he walks. It's very pleasant. He likes it very much. Ye Laijin took the trouble to tie it around his waist every day.

Not to mention, Xiao Xuyang's outfit and style, he is a proper little son, and he doesn't look like a child of a peasant family at all.

Xiaoqian looked up and down in disgust and jealousy, pouted, leaned over to pick him up, and walked out of the east wing with twisted waist.

The left and right children are still young, and there are some who do not like to talk when they meet strangers. He is so good-looking, no one would think that he is a fool.

This was the case in the past, and she dismissed those who liked to tease children with this reason, and no one suspected it.

On the contrary, his demeanor of a son-in-law can still give him face.

(End of this chapter)

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