Chapter 1444

Even Lao Yetou didn't expect that such a rich dish would be the same surprise.

"Hehe, this must be the second girl's idea."

"Well, it's Sister Xin'er's idea."

"Xin girl's cooking skills are simply amazing."

"Who doesn't say it, this table is too grand."

"It's all our own people, don't be polite, you should eat and drink."


Ye Mancang and the other boys had been looking forward to this whole pig feast for a long time, so there was no way to be polite, they all buried their heads in eating, and only started drinking after they had tasted all kinds of dishes.

The others didn't try to brag too much, and the chopsticks in their hands almost didn't stop.

Ye Yuanyuan and Wang Jinling's cheeks bulged from eating, like little squirrels.

"Xin'er, this pig's trotter is delicious."

"Yeah, pork knuckles are delicious, ribs are delicious, braised pork is also delicious, all of them are delicious!"

"Baby shot, there is no Fanpin, hahaha——"

Both Mrs. Bai and Mrs. Wang were full of smiles, watching the three girls talking and laughing tenderly, their eyes almost overflowing with pampering.

Ye Feifeng, who was eating sloppyly, suddenly became depressed, and lowered her head slightly to prevent others from seeing the emotion in her eyes.

No one noticed her strangeness, they all happily drank and ate meat, even the female relatives were not left behind, drinking sweet rice wine.

After drinking two glasses of wine, the atmosphere became even hotter, not to mention the excitement.

Even the backyard was quite lively. Seeing Dabai, Daha, and Erha eating happily, Mrs. Cao was in a great mood, and asked Dabai from time to time if there was enough to eat. She didn't stop feeding until Dabai shook his head clearly.

After feeding the three dogs well, Mrs. Cao ate by herself. There were all kinds of dishes, and the amount was quite large, which made her feel full.

All in all, everyone was very satisfied and happy, and played lively and lively until midnight.

Late at night in midsummer, the courtyard of Lao Ye’s house is quiet, the breeze is warm, and the lanterns are swaying~
When everyone fell asleep, Lao Yetou went to the utility room in the vegetable garden alone.

It was also because the old Qian's was locked up for a long time, and this and that happened in his own house, and many people came to the door, which attracted the attention of the villagers.

Although this matter is embarrassing, it doesn't disturb others after all, so I don't need to care about it.

But after much deliberation, Old Ye decided to let him go first.

You can't lock people up until they die, or they will really be caught.

For the sake of the eldest grandson's future, he can't be rumored to torture and kill his wife. Besides, not long after his daughter's accident, the dead stupid woman must live well, and nothing will happen for a while.

However, before letting him go, he had to give him a good beating. With what he said last time, the stupid woman should be afraid anyway, and should restrain herself a bit.

Hmph, if she is smart, she should know that she will be a human being with her tail between her legs in the future, quietly eating and waiting for death.

If you are still restless...

Lao Ye's old face was cold, his eyes were slightly squinted, and he snorted heavily.


In the early morning of the next day, He Xiner was shocked when she saw old Qian Shi in the upper room. Fluttering, without the glory of the past.

The skin is sallow, the hair is thin, and the hands are as thin as chicken feet.

It's fine if she's thin, but the most uncomfortable thing is her eyes, her gray eyes are staring at people sullenly, like a ghost, and the scalp is numb.

He Xiner instinctively felt that something was wrong with her.

According to the temperament of the old lady, even if she was locked up, she would not be depressed.

In the past, she was like Xiaoqiang who could only be beaten to death, with a strong spirit.

Now she is like a lifeless skeleton.

Well, a skeleton frame wrapped in a layer of dry skin, a walking soulless ghost.

(End of this chapter)

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