Chapter 1445 No one feels sorry
Old Qian really looks like a ghost, a ghost who wants to collect debts.

She wanted the blood debt of the surname He to be paid in blood.

Old Qian's glanced at He Xiner's delicate and pretty face in a sinister manner, and shook his two chicken paws vigorously.

Don't think she can't hear it in the vegetable garden. A group of people were tossing about barbecues in the backyard a few days ago, and yesterday they were tossing a whole pig feast. The lively and festive energy is a bit better than ordinary people's weddings .

Although she also ate those meats, she didn't remember them at all. She only hated them even more, so much that she wanted to destroy the world!

She hates everyone, the harder Lao Yetou beats her, the more she hates them!
The third child is gone, and the sweet-scented osmanthus is gone. They should eat and drink, and they live a nourishing life without being sad at all!
A bunch of heartless things!

Especially when she walked out of the small dark room, what she saw was the refreshing and clean yard, and the red lanterns hanging everywhere, the bright red silk made her eyes hurt;
It was just dawn at that time, and no one in the family had woken up yet. She wandered around the house like a ghost, and the roses and pomegranates in the flower beds were beautiful and fresh, full of vitality;
The jasmine under the eaves, the flowers are white and flawless, and the smell is fragrant, very elegant and charming;
The entire mansion is clean, dignified, and a scene of prosperity.

If she hadn't been afraid of Dabai, she still wanted to go to Xikuayuan.

However, even if she didn't look at it, she knew that the west yard must be more grand than the one in the front yard. The little red fish in the fish pond were thriving and festive, and there were half a pond of water lilies with big flowers around the mouth of the bowl, full of vigor and dust. not stained;
Around the majestic gazebo, various flower bonsai are placed all year round, and the fragrance lingers throughout the yard;

It is the ordinary-looking sweet-scented osmanthus tree. In autumn, the tiny golden flowers emit a sweet smell that can fill the entire mansion;

If it is said that the front yard still has a little village atmosphere, but the West Cross Courtyard, which belongs to the second room alone, is completely the style of a rich family, exquisite and noble.

Osmanthus fragrans!

Old Qian's heart twitched.

That's the name she gave her daughter, but the damned little bitch bought a big tree called the sweet-scented osmanthus tree.

I didn't think it was a problem before, but now that I think about it, maybe it's not necessarily that the tree restrained her daughter.

Old Qian's hatred was overwhelming.

I wish I could tear He Xiner's skin off!

Thinking about the big family, living a small life in peace and stability.

She hated her even more, everyone forgot about her daughter!
Osmanthus fragrans is buried alone behind the shady mountain, no one feels sorry for her.

They live so comfortably and well, eating delicious food and drinking spicy food every day, laughing heartlessly and making noise, they have long forgotten the sweet-scented osmanthus flower outside Jiuxiaoyun!

She hates it so much!

At that moment, Mrs. Qian stood blankly in the front yard for a long time.

In the end, with trembling hands, she pushed open the door of the west wing, ignored Mrs. Cao who had just woken up, and went to her daughter's room expressionlessly, stroking the kang bed she had slept on bit by bit, and the bed she had covered. The thin quilt, the clothes she wore...

There were no tears in the old, dry eyes, they just lost their luster.

What she had hoped all her life was for her daughter to marry into a noble family and live a good life. Now that she has no more thoughts, she feels that life has no hope.

It wasn't until there was a rumbling in his stomach that old Qian's mind became a little clearer.

Touching her empty stomach, she began to miss the braised pork last night.

The destructive hatred in her heart also faded by two points, people always eat, no matter how much she misses her baby bump, she can't go with her.

After all, she hasn't lived enough.

If it weren't for her, where would such a big family come from to give birth to children for that old and immortal thing?
After so many years of hard life, eating bran and swallowing vegetables with the dead old man, she gritted her teeth and brought up the child. Now that the family is finally excited, she deserves to enjoy the peace and happiness.

(End of this chapter)

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