Chapter 1456 Who Messed You
Guan Mingwei was added to the dining table of Lao Ye's house, and the atmosphere became more lively.

It was the first time that the entire dining room erupted with laughter since old Qian Shi sat down gloomyly.

Old Yetou, Ye Laijin, and Ye Laiyin were all in a good mood, and they all smiled and talked to Guan Mingwei. Their attitudes were simply like looking at some rare treasure.

Ye Xusheng's heart was soaked in vinegar juice, it was so sour that his teeth ached.

In other words, the rest of the family are used to Guan Mingwei's arrival, especially Lao Yetou, who was originally invited by her.

But it was the first time for old Qian to see her. She really wondered why the kid from the Guan family came to her house, and he still looked affectionate and familiar.

Eyeballs drooping, old Qian's eyes wandered around, and he didn't know what to think in his mind. His face, which was already sallow, turned black into the bottom of a pot.

Guan Mingwei couldn't sit still.

I came here a few times, everyone was very happy, especially the old man, Uncle Ye, and Uncle Ye. Although he had drunk a lot of wine, they had kind eyes and smiles on their faces, and everyone chatted happily.

But, but what's the situation now?
Could it be that the old lady disagreed with his marriage with Xin'er?
Guan Mingwei thought too much.

Although he knew that old Qian was not in charge of the family, and that she was not favored by old Yetou, but no matter what, he was Xin'er's elder after all, so he could still talk about Xin'er's marriage.

He and Xin'er are not engaged yet, if she can't break it with a few words, it will be a big loss.

Therefore, Guan Mingwei began to think carefully, and planned to get his father to come forward and talk to Uncle Ye about the engagement.

After all, he is a junior, so there is no way to mention him.

After making up his mind, he calmed down a bit, and cheered up to have a couple of drinks with Old Ye Touye, and then he couldn't drink anymore, and was sent back by Ye Xusheng.

Ye Xusheng was very speechless about this.

This kid messed up his and Xin'er's plans, and even got drunk, so he had to watch over him.

As for He Xiner who was also disturbed, she didn't feel anything.

None of the others felt inappropriate.

Guan Mingwei has almost become a habit, and every time he rests, he will go to Lao Ye's house to eat and live.

He has a holiday every ten days and takes a bath every day.

The days passed quickly, and after he spent four holidays at Lao Ye's house, it was already low July, and there were still more than 20 days until Mid-Autumn Festival.

July 21 is another day for Guan Mingwei to rest and take a bath.

Ordinarily, according to the habit, he would return directly from the town to Lao Ye's house on the twentieth day, but he was not seen until it was completely dark.

The dinner at Lao Ye's house was half an hour later than usual. It was really late because of the weather, so Lao Ye gave up waiting for someone and ordered the dinner to be served.

"I don't know if something happened to Mingwei's child? It's all right, why didn't he come if he couldn't say it?"

"Father, don't think about it too much. I'll see Brother Guan tomorrow morning. I'll ask."

"Well, good, ask clearly, otherwise I'm always thinking about it, and I'm not at ease."

Ye Xusheng's face was expressionless, but his heart was sour.

"Big brother, your expression is so serious."

He Xiner leaned closer to him, and whispered, "Brother Hall, tell me, who messed with you?"

Ye Xusheng...

He refused to answer.

"Hee hee, when did the lobby brother start playing 'Silence is Golden'?"

Ye Xusheng can't laugh or cry~
"There is nothing to do at night, what does Xin'er want to do?"

"Go to the big brother's place and write a book together, okay?"

The fairy tales are selling well, and they are being reprinted continuously, and He Xiner is planning to release another "Fairy Tales 5".

The little girl's eyes were shining brightly, she wrinkled her nose at him, and smiled slightly.

"Well, listen to Xiner."

Her smile has a magical ability, which can instantly soothe his restless heart.

(End of this chapter)

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