The charming girl of the farm gate of crossing

Chapter 1457 This looks so simple

Chapter 1457 This looks so simple
At the end of July in the lunar calendar, the daytime is still so hot that people sweat profusely. If you stand in the sun for a long time, you will feel like you are about to be roasted.

When the sun sets, the gentle wind quickly blows away the last trace of heat, and the air becomes cool and refreshing.

He Xiner and the eldest brother sat face to face in the study, both of them were writing seriously, the candlelight was flickering, and the room was warm.

"Green Plum" written by Ye Xusheng is coming to an end. The hero and heroine have gone through a series of hardships and will soon be reunited.

He was in a good mood.

For the series of setbacks that He Xiner designed for the hero and heroine, he refused from the bottom of his heart. The little girl Nai He spoke plausibly, saying that the more twists and turns, the more bizarre, and the more bloody the storyline, the more interesting the readers would be. Follow her will.

It's just that when he wrote about the suffering of the heroine, his heart was always tugging, and he felt uncomfortable.

Well now, the hero and heroine have finally broken through many obstacles and are going to be together forever.

Just thinking about that sweet ending made him feel comfortable and in high spirits.

After He Xiner finished writing a short story, she put down the pen in her hand, picked up the manuscript paper, and gently blew on the ink on it. When she turned her eyes, she saw a sweet smile on the corner of the hall brother's lips.

She was immediately interested.

Putting down the manuscript paper in his hand, he moved forward quietly.

With her chin propped on her hands, she tilted her head and looked at the big brother carefully.

His face is gentle, his eyes are like water, and the corners of his lips are smiling~
It looks so simple. .

"Brother Hall, you have such a rippling smile, but what is there to be happy about? Tell me, and my little sister will be happy for you too."

She blinked mischievously, and smiled like a sneaky cat, and the teasing meaning should not be too obvious.

Ye Xusheng was slightly stunned, and then he saw her agile eyes blinking and blinking, and immediately understood.

The little girl was implying that he had a sweetheart.

The joyful mood immediately calms down, like a bright and brilliant sky suddenly covered by dark clouds, making a depressed person unable to breathe.

He coughed lightly, "It's nothing, it's just that the book is about to end, so I'm very happy."

"That's what it is~"

The little girl seemed to have suddenly realized, she nodded decently, and then screamed and rushed forward in the next second, "Wow, wow——Brother Datang, you are too good!"

He Xiner really admired the eldest brother, who was able to write a novel in less than eight months.

Her face was full of excitement, her beautiful almond eyes stared straight into little stars, and she rushed up to hug brother hall in surprise and inexplicable, and screamed happily, "brother hall, you are simply a genius! The baby admires you so much!"

Being hugged by the excited little girl, Ye Xusheng regained his good mood and smiled brightly at her, "Thank you, Second Sister, for your compliment."

"Hahaha - we are going to make money again, the baby is so happy, so happy, so excited, so excited!"

Someone got into the money, his mind was full of white money, and his hands and feet danced excitedly.

"Brother Hall, I seem to see big ingots flying towards me with wings!"

Well, now there are no small stars in the eyes, but big ingots directly appearing in the eyes, how rich and rich are the fans who look like that.

Ye Xusheng couldn't help laughing any longer, and chuckled lowly.

"Xin'er has to be careful, don't get hit by Yuan Bao."

"Hey, I'm not afraid of being smashed. Heaven and earth, let the ingot rain come more violently!"

A certain person's upper body is fine, with arms open and hands facing upwards, as if to hug a big ingot that is flying.

At this moment, a huge thunder exploded in the yard, "Boom boom boom—"

The thunder shook the sky and the earth, resounding through the sky, and He Xiner couldn't help screaming "Ah—" in fright!
Ye Xusheng quickly pulled him into his arms.

Immediately afterwards, lightning tore apart the pitch-black night, and the entire sky was as bright as day.

(End of this chapter)

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