Chapter 1465 As usual

Don't look at Guan Xiuyuan and Lao Yetou talking enthusiastically, chatting about Guan Mingwei's drunken embarrassment, all kinds of teasing, making the atmosphere lively, but their father and son didn't stay for lunch.

Guan Mingwei is really in a hurry, he has to fetch his mother and sister back.

Get up quickly while resting, and you can save one day off.

Therefore, Guan Mingwei, the leader of Xingxing, borrowed Dabai again, and set off north that day, heading straight to the destination—Dangqiu County.

The family has been calm recently, and there have been no accidents. When Guan Mingwei wanted to borrow Dabai, Lao Yetou was quite stable, and agreed with a smile on his face.

Guan Xiuyuan and his son took Dabai, got into the hired carriage, and happily said goodbye to everyone. It was already noon, and it was time to eat, but the father and son insisted on leaving. Old Ye Tou, Ye Laijin, Ye Laiyin and Ye Shitian It's a little funny, I didn't expect both his father and father to be so impatient.

After seeing off the Guan family father and son, Ye Shitian and Ye Laijin joked for a while. During lunch, the masters drank two cups with undiminished interest.

At that moment, Ye Xusheng locked himself in Zhang's house, tossed desperately, exhausted all his energy and physical strength, and then collapsed on the muddy ground, secretly saddened.

Usually when he rests and takes a bath, he often goes out for a whole day, so he didn't go home for lunch and didn't attract the attention of others.

It wasn't until the sun went down that the sky was dark, and the person who had been lying on the cold ground all afternoon slowly got up.

He went to the bathroom to take a cold shower, changed into a set of clean clothes, and walked home with a calm face in the last rays of the setting sun.

On the surface, he is no different from usual.

There are bright red candles everywhere in the main hall and dining room of Lao Ye's house, which are bright inside and out.

On the dinner table, beaming.

Mainly the masters who are in charge of the house, all of them are in a good mood, Ye Tou, Ye Laijin, and Ye Laiyin, who just poured white wine, looked at Ye Xusheng and smiled and let him drink two cups.

Responding in a deep voice, he fetched and poured the wine himself, as usual.

The little girl who hadn't seen him for a day sat beside him, and she ate quietly with her head slightly lowered.

In the bright orange light, her skin is porcelain white and smooth, her cheeks are pink and tender, and her slender eyelashes hang down, casting a faint shadow.

The girl with picturesque features sat there calmly, demure and gentle. .

In normal times, she always looked at him with a smile on her face, always having endless things to say.

She has a lively temperament, is full of intelligence, playful and agile;
She loves to talk, laugh, and make trouble. She has never been so calm and quiet.

Ye Xusheng was filled with bitterness.

Could it be that Xin'er is going to have a divorce with him?
A family of all shapes and colors.

The old man and the old man were undoubtedly the happiest, and Mrs. Wang was always smiling, obviously in a good mood.

Ye Xusheng was preoccupied, his face was calm, without any flaws.

He Xiner kept a low profile and kept a low profile. Everyone thought she was shy and didn't care.

Because Dabai was not at home, the little girl Wang Jinling felt a little downcast, after a few mouthfuls listlessly, she ran outside and sat side by side with Erha under the eaves in a daze.

Because she was languid all afternoon, Wang Shi and Cao Shi laughed and teased her a few times, until she pursed her lips, the two quickly coaxed her softly and lightly.

It's normal for her to look like this now, everyone knows her childlike nature, and they all let her go.

Ye Feifeng's eyes were red and swollen, afraid of being looked at, she kept her neck lowered, and occasionally fed Xiao Xuyang a few mouthfuls.

She has always been quiet, and usually shrugs, so it's normal.

Xiaoqian was not angry that He Xiner had arranged the marriage ahead of her son and daughter, and she often scolded her for being shameless behind her back, but she didn't dare to show it too obviously.

As for this one, no one paid much attention to her.

As for the old Qian who had always been sullen, everyone subconsciously avoided him.

He was also used to her gloomy appearance, and chose to turn a blind eye to her current gloomy old face.

Her temper is there, it cannot be changed.

It's not that Ye Laijin and Ye Laiyin didn't try to talk to her well, but she acted like someone owed her, and the two brothers couldn't help it.

Therefore, no one wants to ask for trouble, so he doesn't bother.

She thought about it, after staying for a long time, she always wanted to open up.

(End of this chapter)

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