The charming girl of the farm gate of crossing

Chapter 1466 I really don't want to grow up

Chapter 1466 I really don't want to grow up
The night was dark, and little Wang Jinling had already fallen asleep sweetly.

In Dabai's absence, Erha was also abducted by the suddenly interested Xiao Xuyang.

He Xiner blew out the candles, walked slowly to the hall, lay down on the imperial concubine's couch by the window, stared at the night sky outside in a daze.

The lanterns under the eaves swayed gently with the wind, and the orange halo faintly cast on her body through the half-opened windows, soft and hazy.

The breeze blows, and the room is full of fragrance.

During the Chinese New Year, she bought three pots of orchids
She, Yuanyuan and Cuizhi each have a pot.

Before Cuizhi went out, she brought her pot for her to keep temporarily.

Smelling the fragrance of flowers, she turned her head to look, and in the hazy light, the dark green orchid leaves were stretched freely. It was elegant, handsome, and graceful, and the small tender yellow flowers were simple, quiet, elegant and elegant~
She inhaled deeply, and the fragrance penetrated into her lungs.

After getting up from the bed, she gently opened the door, stepped out quietly, and closed the door carefully.

He Xiner stood quietly and gracefully by the fish pond, looking at the round dark green leaves of the water lily in a trance, the pure white water lily, the flowers curled up, and fell asleep soundly.

Thinking of her sleeping little cousin, she suddenly smiled brightly.


The deep and magnetic voice floated in my ears.

He Xiner looked in surprise, it turned out that it was the eldest brother standing in the shadow of the pavilion.

His thin figure almost merged with the night behind him, somehow making her feel a little bit desolate~
"Lord Brother~"

She tugged at the corner of her skirt, weighed her toes, tried not to make any noise, and trotted over.

"Big brother, why are you here?"

She pressed her throat and asked in a low voice.

Ye Xusheng looked at her fixedly, unable to tell what it was like in his heart.

"Why didn't Xin'er go to read in elder brother's room?"

After a moment of silence, he whispered.

He Xiner pursed her lips, sat down a little slumped, and lay faceless on the fence, "Oh, my baby is not in the mood to read or write stories, so I just want to be alone."

Hearing this, Ye Xusheng felt as if a mountain was pressing on him, his heart moved slightly, "Xin'er, you, do you like him?"

He sat down straight, looked into her eyes fixedly, and his heart was tightly clenched into a ball.

"Brother Guan?"

Ye Xusheng nodded with difficulty.


He Xiner scratched her hair irritably, "Baby is still a child, so I never thought about getting married!"

"Xin'er doesn't like him anymore?"

"My heart is in a mess, and I don't know. I just don't want to get married."

"Oh, I really don't want to grow up!"

Ye Xusheng's heart was ecstatic, his voice trembled slightly, he tried his best to suppress his beating heart, not to lose his composure, but his eyes were surprisingly bright, and he probed with a little expectation, "Then don't get engaged, okay?"

"Brother is always with you."

"Oh, I think so too. This is my home. There are parents, cousins, Dabai, Yuanyuan and Cuizhi, as well as these flowers and plants. I like them all. I am so happy every day." How nice it is to live happily! I really hope to live like this forever..."

"I made an agreement with the big brother, we will be together forever. At that time, I still thought that I would buy a big house in the future. Sooner or later, the big brother will get married and have his own yard."

"Oh, but I forgot, I also want to get married when I grow up."

"When I think of leaving my parents, home, and brother in the lobby, I can't bear it."

"But my mother said that girls will always marry when they grow up, and it is impossible to stay by their parents' side all the time."

"Since we must get married, Brother Guan is really a good candidate."

"Besides, don't they all say 'the order of the parents, the words of the matchmaker'? It is always right to listen to what the parents say."

Ye Xusheng's heart was cold.

He Xiner suddenly smiled and said, "I thought about it just now, getting engaged is fine, but getting married should not be too early."

"Even if we are married and live in the same village, we can still see our parents every day. When the big brother goes out to buy a house in the future, Brother Guan and I will buy a yard next door. We can still be together, haha... "

(End of this chapter)

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