Chapter 1475 I Killed You
Lao Yetou's heart skipped a beat, feeling bad.

Ye Laijin ran with his father, and because he started early, he ran out of the small gate of the backyard one step earlier than Ye Laiyin, who was running fast.

Erha's growls became smaller and smaller, only old Qian could be heard cursing hysterically, "Bastard! Beast! I'll kill you bastard!"

Before the people faced each other, Ye Laijin shouted, "Mother, let go..."

Running too fast, and all his attention was on Erha and Lao Qian. After Lao Yetou and Ye Laijin turned into the vegetable garden, they subconsciously searched for a person and a dog first.

I saw Erha biting old Qian's tightly and not letting go, while old Qian's beating madly.

Before he could react, what happened, out of the corner of his eye, he saw the silent He Xiner. Her face was as white as paper, her hair was disheveled, she was soaked and thrown on the ground casually, with a lot of dirt on her. .

Like a broken doll.

With just one glance, it can be seen that she is silent, because her body has no ups and downs.

Lao Ye's head buzzed, his eyes turned black, and he was about to poke over.

He bit the tip of his tongue tightly to maintain a trace of calmness. He didn't faint, but his whole body was crumbling.

Ye Laijin was even more astonished as if struck by lightning.

The two fathers' minds were buzzing and their bodies were trembling.

Ye Laiyin, who was a little late, had already rushed to the front, but the old Ye Tou and Ye Laijin blocked his sight, so he didn't notice the precious girl at the first time.

A thought quickly flashed across his mind, that is, why are his father and elder brother so stupid, standing still?
He took a quick step forward and picked Erha up.

At this time Erha was dying.

And Ye Laiyin's body stiffened suddenly, he, he saw his daughter!
His liver and gallbladder are about to break, and his eyes are about to burst!
"Girl—"! ! !
Like a wounded wild animal screaming, this cry shook the heavens and the earth, like a thunderclap in the ears, making everyone's ears buzzing.

Lao Yetou and Ye Laijin's hearts were shaken, and they turned pale in shock.

Ye Laiyin's eyes were blurred with tears, and she put her hand under He Xiner's nose, not breathing.

His eyes were bloodshot, his veins were bulging, without the slightest hesitation, he happily picked up his daughter, "Brother puts the mule cart!"

Ye Laijin, who was shaken and flustered, finally came to his senses, turned his head and ran away.

Ye Laiyin ran almost side by side with him.

In the entire vegetable garden, only the trembling old Yetou, the dying Erha, and the bloody old Qianshi were left.

She was just one step away from destroying the corpse and eradicating traces, but it was a pity that she was destroyed by a bastard.

Whether it is the previous Heizi, Daha, Erha, they are all small, their bodies have not yet grown up, they are real puppies.

Therefore, old Qian didn't take it to heart at all.

After finally catching Dabai's absence, she did it without any hesitation.

It turned out to be bad on the puppy.

Thinking of Ye Laiyin's bloodshot eyes and the way he roared furiously, old Qian knew that this encounter would not be easily exposed.

If you don't die, you have to peel off layers of skin.

She was extremely annoyed, and threw herself forward on the spot, her claws had already grabbed Erha's neck, and was about to strangle Erha to death, when her bun was pinched by Lao Yetou, and she subconsciously let go of the pain , screaming and thumping.

And the old Yetou was already mad with anger, he lifted the person up by pulling his hair, and threw it out with a "bang".

He was stimulated by He Xiner's miserable appearance, his eyes were red, he took two steps forward and stepped on the old Qian Shi who was about to get up, "I will kill you!"

The little girl's cute smiling face flashed before his eyes, his eye sockets were sore, and his hands trembled uncontrollably.

Blood gushed from his legs, and he was thrown to the ground with great force. The old Qian was dizzy from the fall, and gold stars appeared in front of his eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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