The charming girl of the farm gate of crossing

Chapter 1476 His mother is crazy

Chapter 1476 His mother is crazy

It is said that Ye Xusheng, who was running on the North and South Avenues, was shocked when he heard Ye Laiyin's screams, his heart was beating suddenly, and the movements of his feet became faster and faster, almost running into a phantom.

Bai Shi, who hadn't walked out of the alley with Daha, first heard Erha's roar, she froze for a moment, then turned around decisively and called for her husband and son.

When the family of three hurried out of the house, they happened to hear Ye Laiyin's roar.

Because they were far away, they couldn't hear it clearly, but the three of them all changed their expressions.

At the same time, Mrs. Wang, Ye Yuanyuan and Wang Jinling, as well as Mrs. Qian and Xiao Xuyang in the East Wing were all awakened by the roar.

In short, everyone's faces changed drastically, and their hearts were beating wildly.

It was really that earth-shattering cry that was extremely sad, but anyone with feelings could not help crying when they heard it.

It seemed that a wild animal that had lost its cub roared to the sky in anger and grief.

Everyone, all panicked.

Intuitively, Wang's eyes turned black, her heart stopped suddenly, and she almost passed out.

She jumped off the kang, pulled her shoes, ran out staggeringly, and opened the door at the same time as Ye Yuanyuan and Wang Jinling. The two girls, one big and one small, saw her pale face and precarious appearance, and became even more flustered. .

Fortunately, the two of them were in a mess, but they didn't completely lose their sense of proportion. They even knew to support Wang Shi, otherwise she would definitely fall.

Even Mrs. Cao was shocked by Ye Laiyin's pathetic yell, her scalp was numb and her heart was beating wildly.

She put Ye Feifeng at the base of the wall, got up and ran away.

Even Xiao Qian, who was taking a nap with Xiao Xuyang in his arms, rushed out of the door subconsciously, leaving his youngest son behind, and ran into the backyard by himself.

She didn't care about anyone, it was just an instinct.

Instinctively follow suit.

For a moment, everyone was running.

But no one can be faster than Ye Xusheng.

Wherever he passed, it was like a gust of wind blowing by, and before he could see who it was, he had already disappeared, the speed was so fast that it made people tongue-smacking.

Ye Laijin, who was trembling with his hands tied to the mule cart, was still in a mess, so he heard his mother yelling in pain, and shouted at the top of her voice, "This bitch named He killed Osmanthus fragrans, my mother not only wants to kill her, but also wants to kill her." Skinned her alive, ahhhhhhhhhhhhh!"

A mean girl surnamed He?

His mother is crazy.

After that, I didn't hear old Qian's curse again, only whimpered, as if gagged.

With a dark face, Ye Laijin finally got into the mule cart, and strided towards the side door while being led.

"Father, where's my second uncle? Where's Xin'er?"

Ye Xusheng was like a whirlwind, blowing to the aisle in the backyard. His eyes were sharp, and he could tell that there was no one in the carriage from tens of feet away.

Ye Laijin was relieved when his son came back.

"Your second uncle couldn't wait for the mule cart, so he walked out the side door with Xin girl in his arms, and was going to find Doctor Zhang..."

Before he finished speaking, Ye Xusheng had disappeared.

That speed is simply amazing. .

Ye Laijin opened his mouth wide.

He intended to ask his son to persuade his second child to come back.

In normal times, it's nothing more than carrying a patient to the door to see a doctor.

Kexin girl...

Shengsheng shuddered, and Ye Laijin was deeply saddened.

It's just that he doesn't have time to be sad now, he has to catch up with the second child in a mule cart, girl Xin has always been beautiful and decent, and when she is in such a mess, she must not be seen.

Not only because of the dignity of the child, but also the dignity of the entire Lao Ye family.

Which family's mother-in-law would kill her granddaughter so frantically?

If it gets out, Lao Ye's family will no longer be able to hold up their heads.

Ye Laijin's hatred was overwhelming.

More distressed.

Ye Laiyin, who ran out of Lao Ye's house through the side door, felt desolate and lost all thoughts, and the girl in his arms was lifeless and motionless.

His hands and feet were cold and his chest was cold. .

His mind was in chaos, and the only thought in the panic was that he wanted to save his daughter, save her...

(End of this chapter)

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