Chapter 1488
Ye Laiyin didn't know what his father was thinking.

And he naturally hopes that the family will live happily and happily.

It's just a cavity of hatred, buried in the bottom of my heart, after all, it's hard to get over it.

He didn't want to quarrel with his own father, and of course he didn't want to draw his anger on his father, just, just...

Originally, Ye Laiyin was happy to know that his daughter was in a good mood.

But listening to his father's hint, his heart was heavy.

The revenge of killing one's life, does it mean that if you expose the past, you will pay for it?

The daughter is naturally sensible, she doesn't cry or make trouble, and she doesn't settle accounts with that person, all her grievances are kept in her heart.

But how could he act like nothing happened?

He felt so sorry for his daughter, he was so distressed that he twitched.

The viciousness of the dead old godmother can scare the big girl crazy. Just think about it, how can the girl not be afraid as the direct victim?
Moreover, injury is injury, so how could it be possible to just expose it lightly?

At that time, the girl was not breathing. If the eldest nephew hadn't been thoughtful and had the magic medicine to save her life, the girl would never be able to wake up again...

Every time he thought of this, Ye Laiyin couldn't help shivering.

He hates!

I can't wait to break that man's bones!

But he dared not do anything.

He felt sorry for his daughter and his mother.

Ye Laiyin's face was calm, and he didn't want to talk to his father anymore.

Lao Yetou has a mirror in his heart, yes.

The anger of the second child is always in the bottom of my heart, and I can't let it go easily.

Why is he not annoyed or hated?

But life has to go on~
Getting old is not an option either.

"I listened to a few girls talking about making osmanthus cake and chrysanthemum cake tomorrow, and they said they would save it for Dabai..."

"Dabai is also interesting. He loves to gnaw bones, but he even loves to eat sweet pastries. He doesn't look like a dog. He just raised a girl..."

Ye Laijin felt sorry for his mad daughter.

Ye Laiyin felt sorry for her suffering daughter.

They were not very interested at first, but now they heard what Lao Yetou said interestingly, they couldn't help laughing, and echoed a few words casually, but the more he talked, the more lively he became.

Old Yetou's eyes were as dark as the sea, and he calmly changed the topic from Dabai to Guan Mingwei.

Sure enough, Ye Laiyin became more interested and laughed.

Even Ye Laijin would like to make a few remarks.

The atmosphere became more and more relaxed.

The thoughtful old Yetou exhaled secretly.

In this era where filial piety is the heaven, he is a father, and he has no place to reason when he gets involved in this kind of thing.

That's all, as long as the family is happy and happy.

Everything else is fine.

Now he really, really hopes that the days will pass faster, and faster, so that everyone can forget about those bad things.

And by then, some accounts should be settled.

Speaking of which, they are as stable as Ye Laijin and as capable as Ye Laiyin. The combined scheming of the two is not as deep as that of the old Ye Tou.

The most important thing is that both of them have straightforward temperaments, and they don't have so many tricks, so they don't think about things in a roundabout way.

In any case, the upper room was peaceful and harmonious, and the three of you were drinking tea and chatting casually, feeling very comfortable and at ease.

Lao Yetou was happy in his heart, and felt that all the bad things about Lao Ye's family were over, and it would only get better and more prosperous in the future.

When Lao Yetou was thinking about a better life; when He Xiner was making chrysanthemum soup happily, when Wang and Bai were doing pink leopard embroidery, happily thinking about making money when.

A large group of people rushed into Lao Ye's house in a mighty way, arousing the curiosity of the villagers, who followed from afar to watch the fun.

Why do you say you have to follow from afar, because the leader is the county government's catcher, dressed in official uniform, with a waist badge, holding a big knife, and an iron ruler and rope in his pocket.

Country people are afraid of officials, so they dare not approach them.

The incident happened suddenly, He Xin'er in the backyard and the Wang family and Bai family in the west courtyard didn't know that there was an unexpected visitor in the front yard.

(End of this chapter)

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