The charming girl of the farm gate of crossing

Chapter 1489 That's No Joke

Chapter 1489 That's No Joke

At this time, in front of the old Ye family's house, six carriages and six handsome horses crowded half of the alley, and more and more villagers gathered to watch the excitement, and the alley was completely blocked.

Ye Laijin and Ye Laiyin heard someone shouting in the courtyard, and went out to check the situation at the same time, but they were dumbfounded.

The old Yetou who came out afterwards was struck by lightning...

"I don't know what the official is doing here?"

As the eldest son of Ye Laijin, Ye Laijin has always been steady. Looking at the people standing halfway in the yard, although he is a monk who can't figure it out, he can still hold his breath.

The six officers in official uniforms were all solemn and stern.

Among them, the leader is a burly man with a black face and square ears. He holds a big knife in his hand, with full momentum, and his voice is loud, "13 years ago, there was a person from Yejia Village. Colluding, stealing the grandson of the He family, and using one's own grandson to pretend to be the young master of the He family, in order to seize the wealth of the He family, this is a serious crime.

Now that the witnesses and material evidence are complete, the person is going to be taken away now. "

Lao Ye's head felt like a hole in the ice, his whole body trembled and he couldn't speak.

Ye Laijin heard the word He Mansion, and when he thought of the phrase "a lowly girl surnamed He" that his mother called, his mind was buzzing non-stop, and he was a little dizzy.

But Ye Laiyin couldn't believe it.

Now the whole alley is full of people, and the voices are buzzing, and finally Wang and Bai are noisy, and they walk to the front yard together, just in time to hear Ye Laiyin's voice, "Did the official make a mistake?" ? My mother is an out-and-out country woman who has never been to the county seat, so how can she steal the children of a rich family in the county seat?"

He is tall and tall, with regular facial features and clear eyes. Even in the face of officials, he is neither humble nor overbearing, calm and calm, which surprised the policeman.

"There is nothing wrong with this matter. Mrs. Zhang has already confessed. If it wasn't for the generosity of the He family who aimed to take Miss Sun back and only sued Mrs. Ye Qian, your whole family would have to be confiscated and exiled."

Old Yetou felt as if he had been hit in the head, and he was about to poke over.

He clenched his fists desperately and held his breath, not to let himself add to the chaos.

Behind the policeman, a group of people stood silently looking at the entire old Ye's house since they entered the courtyard, with undisguised surprise in their eyes.

They thought that the country people were poor, and along the way, the families they saw were indeed poor, with yellow muddy thatched huts, dilapidated and unremarkable, and they were still in the same situation as the old Ye's family.

Unexpectedly, this old Ye's family turned out to be a rich family.

These people are servants of the He family, including the old lady and the second lady, but there is no eldest lady.They were secretly muttering in their hearts that the situation of Lao Ye's family was unexpected, so they heard Ye Laiyin say something wrong or not.

Immediately, someone stood up, "The youngest is the second steward of Naihe Mansion, surnamed Ren..."

At this time, Ye Laiyin already felt that the matter was so complicated that he couldn't think of it, and he needed to talk for a while, and someone was watching the excitement at the door, and he didn't want to be watched, so he hurriedly interrupted the man's words, "What do you guys have to say?" , let’s talk in the house.”

He gave Ye Laijin a wink and signaled him to close the gate, and he himself went up to the head of the policeman, took out two five taels of silver ingots from his sleeve, handed them over, and said in a low voice, "Officer!" Master, go into the house to have a sip of tea and rest for a while. It's not too late to talk about things slowly."

His heart trembled violently after he heard something about ransacking his home and exiling him.

It is impossible to say that you are not afraid, and you are not joking.

Grab the old godmother if you want.

Even if she gains fame, she can't end up in exile. The girl Hua Guduo is so delicate and juicy, how can she suffer like that?
How could he have imagined at this meeting that when people said to take Miss Sun back, they were referring to his daughter.

(End of this chapter)

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