The charming girl of the farm gate of crossing

Chapter 1490 Everyone Was Stupid

Chapter 1490 Everyone Was Stupid

In fact, not to mention the servants of the He family, even these fast arresters did not expect that Lao Ye's family turned out to be rich.

Seeing that Ye Laiyin's work was straightforward, he didn't embarrass him, and took the lead into the upper room carelessly.

The main reason is that they are also curious about what kind of situation this family is like.

As a result, when I entered the house, I thought, hey, it looks pretty decent.

Na Laoshizi of the He Mansion was the second housekeeper and Nanny Jiang, the confidant of the second wife, couldn't help but look at each other again.

It seems that even if the fifth young master is driven to the countryside, life is not too sad~
Yes, the tragic He Jiaming was exposed by the second house. At that time, the second master He Hongzhang took advantage of the elder master He Hongjin's absence and used thunderous means to quickly restrain the eldest wife's dowry, Nanny Qian. She did not use torture, but her son Tied up and brought before her eyes, she got rid of everything.

The old lady was overwhelmed by shock and fainted, the eldest wife, Mrs. Song, was in mourning, and the whole He residence was in chaos.

They just wanted to grab a quick one, if they waited for the Eldest Master He Hongjin to come home, even if they knew that He Jiaming was not their own son, they would probably continue to recognize him as their son-in-law for the sake of face and profit.

Therefore, the second room didn't want to make trouble, but just wanted to take He Xiner back quickly, so that the eldest room could be caught off guard.

And those policemen came here with the servants of the He family because of the favor of the second master, He Hongzhang, in order to give Lao Ye's family a bad reputation, and they also meant to supervise their handover.

But I didn't expect the old Ye family to be generous.So the attitude is not too tough.

Ten taels of silver is not a small amount, even ordinary people in the county may not be able to spend ten taels of silver for a year.

So, they gave it a convenience, and then listened to the story along the way.

The storyteller is the second wife's dowry mother, surnamed Jiang, known as Jiang mother.

While she was talking, Xiao Qian had already hugged Xiao Xuyang and dragged Ye Feifeng to the base of the wall, listening to the scene.

And Wang Shi, Bai Shi, Cao Shi, He Xiner, Ye Yuanyuan and Wang Jinling are in the back room.

The heads of the old leaves shook into leaves in the cold wind, Ye Laijin frowned, and Ye Laiyin looked pensive.

After hearing the news, Ye Shitian, Ye Zutian, Ye Zongtian, Ye Futian, and Ye Yuntian were all dumbfounded.

The entire upper room was packed, but no one spoke, only Mother Jiang's slightly hoarse voice wafted through the room.

In other words, this is because the other servants did not enter the house, only she and the second housekeeper entered the house, otherwise there would be no place to stand inside.

Ye Mancang and his eight brothers guarded the gate, not letting any outsiders in.

At this time, Ye Xusheng was still tossing himself like crazy in the Zhang family.

"I've finished what I said. If the men in your house don't believe it, you can ask Mrs. Ye Qian to come forward and confront her. Mrs. Zhang Qian is her younger sister, so she won't slander her with slanderous words."

"To be honest, our family has raised the fifth young master for 13 years. In the end, knowing his life experience, we didn't make things difficult for him. Instead, we sent him back to you, which is considered as the utmost kindness."

"Our old lady is dedicated to Buddha and has always been kind-hearted. She loves the fifth young master the most on weekdays. When she learned of his true identity the day before yesterday, she was so angry that she fainted. He's a baby, he can't be the master. All the wrong things have nothing to do with him.

Our old lady has a kind heart and doesn't want to anger others. She only wants to take Miss Sun back and reunite her flesh and blood.

Nian raised Miss Sun's love in your house, so you won't be held accountable by your house, and it also left a way for Fifth Young Master to survive..."

Ye Laiyin was a little confused by her talking about Fifth Young Master and Miss Sun.

"What do you mean, you sent the fifth young master from your house to my house? Then who is Miss Sun you are talking about?"

Wang's face in the room was pale with nervousness, and her heart was beating rapidly.

And He Xiner rolled her eyes silently, thinking that the person must be Ye Feifeng.

Her grandma and aunt's surname were Qian, and Zhang Qian's surname in He's residence also had the surname Qian. They were a family and committed crimes together.

She said that the eldest aunt treated Ye Feifeng badly.

(End of this chapter)

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