The charming girl of the farm gate of crossing

Chapter 1501 It's not a joke

Chapter 1501 It's not a joke
Ye Mancang was so angry that he was about to explode. He hated He Xiner the most, and he also couldn't understand it, but now someone wants to take sister Xiner away, so what's the deal?

And Dabai, I can't take it to the mountains in the future, not to mention the prestige, I'm afraid I won't be able to see it again in the future, it's really going to take away the hearts and minds of their brothers!

Too much bullying, too much bullying.

Ye Mancang's facial features are tough, with sharp edges and corners. He is strong, burly, tall and mighty. In addition, he has a cold face and his eyes are ready to breathe fire. Seeing him about to erupt, Ren Butler couldn't help but feel his scalp numb.

He was also careless before, only when the country people saw the people from the high-ranking families in the county, they would shrink back and dare not fight them, so they only brought 20 men and men.

If he had known that this family was so strong, he should have brought more people here.

Cough, cough, no matter how many people you bring, how many can you bring?

The alley outside was crowded with people.

If they incite everyone, it's not a joke.

Therefore, his attitude became more humble, but at the same time he did not forget to move backstage.

Ye Mancang didn't care about the background of the He family, the reason why he could hold his breath and didn't explode was because he was waiting for Ye Xusheng.

Although he is the eldest brother, Ye Xusheng is the younger brother, but he has always admired Ye Xusheng, if something happens, he will discuss it with him, and most of the time he will listen to his opinion, let alone He Xiner's now He depends more on Ye Xusheng's intentions.

If Xu Sheng insisted on not letting him go, then they would have to fight hard, beat him out first, and then run to the mountains to hide.

Can these people still come to find people every day?

General, when his father sent the sixth son to look for Ye Xusheng, he made up his mind that they would never let him go until Xusheng came back.

Steward Ren spoke dryly, and seeing Ye Mancang give him a straight look, he almost twisted his nose.

He really had nothing to do, so he focused on Ye Shitian and Ye Laijin, but he didn't believe it. The boy is ignorant. Could it be that these two gentlemen don't care about the power behind the He family at all?
So, he straightforwardly confronted the two of them, saying that if he doesn't take him back today, he won't be the county's arrester next time...

The meaning is obvious, the arms can't twist the thighs, so don't hold back.

Ye Shitian didn't give him a good face, but bit his ear with his son, Ye Mancang's face was full of disbelief, "I'll ask Sister Xin'er..."

Before he finished speaking, he ran away.

Ye Mantun and the others were still blocking the door, yelling and cursing endlessly, so angry that the butler Ren was about to vomit three liters of blood.

He has never seen this kind of family before, so why can't he understand the words? He said that the old lady is unwell, and the masters of the family are all waiting for the sickness. It is also enough for him to bring so many people to pick up the lady. Yes, why are you still complaining about this? It's really, really unreasonable...

Not to mention that Steward Ren was so angry with Ye Mantun and the others that he was about to push over.

It is only said that Ye Mancang rushed to Xikua courtyard quickly, and went straight to He Xiner's bedroom.

"Sister Xin'er, do you really want to leave? Don't you want your second uncle and second aunt? Don't you want Xu Sheng? Don't you want Yuanyuan? Don't you want our brothers?"

He Xiner...

It seems that she is a heartless person.

It's just dumbfounding.

It was originally an atmosphere of sympathy and grief, but Ye Mancang's series of questioning broke it up a bit, and made people laugh.

Bai Shi, who was busy packing things and packing boxes, was funny and angry at the same time, "How old are you, and you are still so childish when you say something, do you feel good about being a girl Xin, and still come to tease her? If you make her sad again, It made your second aunt cry, and my old lady peeled off your skin!"

(End of this chapter)

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