The charming girl of the farm gate of crossing

Chapter 1502 Mancang lobby brother is too good

Chapter 1502 Mancang lobby brother is too good
Wang, whose heart was about to be twisted into twists, was interrupted by their mother and son, but his heart brightened a little, and he forced a smile, and said softly, "Mancang is also a relative, but sister-in-law will keep it for him." If you don't have some face, you can just scold if you can't say it."

"Hmph, even if he hugged his grandson, his mother would scold him if she wanted to."

Ye Mancang turned his head decisively, but he grabbed He Xiner's wrist and pulled her out.

We all knew that he was reluctant to part with He Xiner, and no one stopped him. Even Ye Yuanyuan and Wang Jinling were busy, but He Xiner had a lot of things. The clothes for the four seasons of spring, summer, autumn and winter were not old or young. Some of the things she is used to are miscellaneous, and they are not finished in four boxes.

Originally, He Xiner said that she didn't need to bring them all, so she could afford to pay for her alone when she arrived at the He Mansion, but Wang and Bai insisted on bringing them for her, so she had no choice but to give up.

In the gazebo, the tall and burly Ye Mancang and the delicate and pretty He Xiner sat on both sides of the seat and talked about themselves.

"Hmph, that's useless. If you can't fight, you will be kicked out of the mansion..."

Ye Mancang was very disdainful.

The expression in the eyes and the tone of voice were strikingly similar to Ye Laiyin's, which made He Xiner secretly amused.

"Anyway, he is the flesh and blood of his parents, his own son, so it's not easy to let him live on the street."


"There is no reason for him to go back to his parents. The reason why I don't go back to He's house is just out of face. He's house will never allow me and him to stay at Lao Ye's house and be with my parents..."


"Father and mother don't have a son, and they are often squeezed behind their backs, but they know they have a son, so why should they be talked about?"


Ye Mancang didn't hum anymore, but his face was not good-looking.

"It's also a good thing that he's back. He can support his parents, and no one dares to make random decisions..."

"Hmph, what kind of door can a useless thing support?"


"Oh, but that is the son of father and mother..."

He Xiner looked melancholy.

She knew that her parents were kind to her, even if she didn't want that Lao Shizi's own son, it didn't matter.

But she can't be that selfish.

It's about children, Ye Mancang can't say too much, he was so annoyed that he sighed again and again.

After thinking about it, he also understood that even if they could drive people away, they would not let it go. As for hiding in the mountains, it was not very reliable.

"Brother Mancang, don't be like this. Even if I go to the county town, there will always be a time to meet. Then we will take Dabai into the mountains to hunt."

Although He Xiner's tone was brisk, Ye Mancang's brows were always furrowed.

"I think it's better to wait for Xu Sheng to come back, and then discuss and see if there is another way. He has a good brain, so maybe there is a way."

He Xiner lowered her head.


The two brothers and sisters were talking, and it happened that Mother Jiang brought a few ladies in charge and maidservants into the Xikua Courtyard, so the two of them stopped talking and turned to look at the person who came.

Smelling the sweet scent of sweet-scented osmanthus, looking at the chrysanthemums in full bloom in the garden, the fish pond with half a pool of water lilies, and the simple and elegant gazebo, Mammy Jiang and the others almost lost their minds.

Of course, Lao Ye's family can't compare with He's family, but, but such a farmer's family is really beyond their cognition.

"The old slave brought them here to help the young lady pack her things. It's getting late, so it's better to leave early, so don't delay the family dinner at night."

Ye Mancang glared at him coldly, Jiang's heart shuddered, and he felt that this person was not easy to mess with.

"There's no need to pack your things, you go and wait outside the courtyard."

He Xiner's tone was calm, without any emotion.

The few people who heard her speak for the first time were all stunned, and Mother Jiang didn't expect her attitude like this, so she couldn't help but feel sullen.

"Is the servant of the He Mansion so unruly? The master has already spoken, and he is still standing here against the wall. Could it be that he doesn't have ears?"

He Xiner almost couldn't laugh out loud, Brother Mancang is too awesome~
(End of this chapter)

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