Chapter 1506 Erha Are You Hungry?
Many servants came to He's residence. Originally, the vehicle arrangement was not ample, and he did not expect He Xiner to have so much luggage, and there was almost no room for her to pack her things.

Thanks to Lao Ye’s family having a mule cart and an ox cart, four large wooden boxes were stacked high, and Ye Mancang was driving the cart. Ye Mangui barely squeezed in with his Erha in his arms, and Ye Mantun and his brothers piled up four The ox cart with a wooden box was desperately driven all the way, so as to change to a mule cart in the town.

Fortunately, the carriage in front didn't go too fast, and I knew there was another carriage behind that didn't catch up, so it wasn't too urgent.

A large group of Ye Shitian, Ye Laijin, Ye Laiyin, Ye Yuanyuan, Wang Jinling and others went straight to the entrance of the village, watching the convoy go away, even the last carriage was gone. just back.

At this time, there were quite a few people in the village watching the excitement, but they were extremely winking, and they didn't ask people directly with staring questions.

The brothers headed by Ye Shitian are not easy to get along with.

Didn't they all have black faces, who would dare to bump into them and scold them.

But those two girls kept crying and calling Xin'er, they seemed to have figured out what was going on, but they couldn't figure out what was going on.

That girl Xin left in a carriage, while old Qian Shi was tied behind the horse's ass by the officials sadly and left. What, what is going on?

Oops, it's really not a good feeling to have a cat's paw scratching in my heart.

It's just that no one was willing to satisfy their curiosity. Before the crowd returned home, Mrs. Cao ran out to find someone, saying that the second wife had passed out. Ye Laiyin ran away, and Ye Laijin rushed to invite Dr. Liu.

The others also hurried back.

Ye Xusheng never showed up.

At first Ye Shitian sent people to the school to look for him, but no one saw him, Ye Shitian, Ye Mancang and others thought he was busy with something, so they didn't wait for him.

At this time, he was lying on the cold and wet ground, his eyes were closed tightly, and tears were streaming down his face.

His little girl is gone, and he can no longer see each other every day, and can no longer be with him every night, his heart is empty, as if he has lost his soul. .

Xiner, wait for me...


The autumn sun is shining, the blue sky is like washing, the white clouds are long, and the breeze is blowing~
At noon, He's carriage drove out of the rural dirt road. When passing through Pingning Town, He Xiner looked at the Wang family's snack shop through the fine bamboo curtain, and saw the bustle of customers coming and going.

Each of the cousins ​​and the third concubine are not idle, the division of labor is clear, and there is no chaos at all.

She saw the third concubine smiling kindly, and she saw the little cousin smiling happily...

Thinking of the time when her eldest cousin got married, when she and her cousin were having fun with all the little girls, He Xiner sighed deeply in her heart~
There are no more days like that. .

"Miss, I was delayed for a long time before, and it's getting late. In order to avoid the old lady waiting anxiously at the house, I don't stop on the way, so you can eat some snacks and worry about it..."

He Xiner stroked Daha's fluffy head, feeling a little distracted.

Nanny Jiang, who was sitting at the bottom, spoke heavily, seemingly respectful, but actually accusing.

He and Su Lian, the eldest maids of the second wife, glanced at each other quietly, and curled their lips in disdain. The maid called Su Lian rolled up her sleeves, revealing a pair of skeined gold bracelets. Her hands are like jade shoots, and her fingers are like green onions~
She took out two white jade porcelain plates gracefully, with five small and exquisite pastries placed on each plate.

"Miss please have dinner."

He Xiner didn't care to talk to these people, but caressed Da Ha casually, "Is Da Ha hungry?"


Su Lian couldn't breathe well, she flicked her sleeves angrily, and hid the golden bracelet tightly again.

"Sister Xin'er, the freshly baked Roujiamo is here!"

(End of this chapter)

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