The charming girl of the farm gate of crossing

Chapter 1507 Food Cannot Be Wasted

Chapter 1507 Food Cannot Be Wasted

Ye Mancang's thick voice sounded.

Because it was in the town, the carriage was moving very slowly, Ye Mantun and others went to the carriage shop to rent a mule cart to follow, and Ye Mancang was not idle, and went to buy a lot for He Xiner and Daha eat.

"Stop, stop, it's already noon, you don't eat, sister Xin'er still has to eat."

Steward Ren, who was sitting on the shaft of the car, didn't want to cause trouble, which would delay the time even more, so he signaled the driver to pull over and park the car.

The corners of He Xiner's lips curled slightly, she was in a happy mood.

The Roujiamo made by Sanjinzi tastes so good that I haven’t eaten it yet.

The car had come to a complete stop, and Mother Jiang inside signaled Su He to lift the car curtain with a black face, and pick up the food box.

Ye Mancang handed it in carelessly, "I bought it from Wang's snack shop, not only there are roujiamo, but also steamed buns, egg pancakes, tea eggs, and eight-treasure porridge. My sister can make do with it, and you can give me whatever you don't like." Haha."

"Oh, by the way, the wet handkerchief inside is my new handkerchief. I'm afraid you won't be able to use water in the car, so I wet it with warm water. Before it's completely cool, wipe your hands... "

The corner of the butler Ren's mouth twitched standing beside the carriage.

Even the wet veil is ready.

This is the eldest brother?

Could it be a maid?
Thinking of the previous conversation in the carriage, he narrowed his eyes slightly, and lightly glanced at the sluggish Nanny Jiang and the two maidservants.

The three of them were obviously dumbfounded.

He snorted coldly, glanced at the several carriages parked behind, and ordered everyone to take out cold and dry food and make do with it so that they could continue on their way.

He Xiner smiled sweetly and thanked Brother Mancang, and glanced at Qing He, who had put the food box on the table and was not moving.

Bursts of food aroma immediately filled the entire carriage.

After cleaning her hands with a wet handkerchief, she took out eight-treasure porridge, egg pancakes, steamed buns and meat clips in turn.

There are no empty plates.

She reached out to put the snacks in the two jade plates together, put the Rou Jia Mo on the white jade plate that was about to be emptied, and put it by her feet, "Ha, I'm eating Rou Jia Mo."

Then, one person and one dog happily enjoyed it. She drank eight-treasure porridge and ate steamed buns, and she didn't forget to make a tea egg for Da Ha.

The whole carriage was filled with the smell of food, making Nanny Jiang, Su He, and Su Lian swallow their saliva uncontrollably.

As servants of the He Mansion, they have no shortage of food, and they have eaten food that is several times more exquisite and delicate than the Laoshizi Roujiamo, egg pancakes, and the like.

But, but now I am really hungry, and the food is hot and delicious, just smelling the strong aroma, I can't help but move my index finger.

I really want to eat~
Unfortunately, He Xiner has no plans to share food.

She drank a bowl of eight-treasure porridge, ate three small steamed buns and a tea egg, and Daha also couldn't make it. After eating, the little belly will be stretched round.

The eyes of Su He and Su Lian couldn't help falling on the remaining steamed buns and egg pancakes. Mother Jiang was still sitting upright without looking sideways, but only she knew how she felt in her stomach.

He Xiner casually put the food back into the food box, and she sweetly called out, "Brother Mancang, I've already eaten, you put away the restless food, and eat it when you're hungry, food can't be wasted. "

"Hey, it can't be wasted. There are a few little bastards here, so there's nothing left to eat."

Su He, Su Lian, and Nanny Jiang, who were so hungry, watched Ye Mancang take away the food box, and there was always an urge to pounce on it and stop it.

No, absolutely not.

They can't afford to lose that person.

(End of this chapter)

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