The charming girl of the farm gate of crossing

Chapter 1508 Do I Have Horns On My Head?

Chapter 1508 Do I Have Horns On My Head?

He Xiner, who was full of food and drink, lay on the low table, resting with eyes closed.

At noon, in the carriage covered by the autumn sun, the warmth was so warm that it made people drowsy, so she fell asleep.

It's really that the eyes are red and swollen and uncomfortable, coupled with the bumpy carriage, it's too easy to make people sleepy.

Just sleep when you're sleepy, there's nothing wrong with it.

Mother Jiang and the three looked at each other.

I have never seen such a big heart.

But what can they do?
Even if they look down on them, they are masters after all. They don't dare to do anything else, such as making a move, which is absolutely impossible.

What they can do is all kinds of cold-eyed sneering, and all kinds of intentional or unintentional pressure. I don't know if this person is stupid. He didn't even respond to their words and their attitudes. Sleeping so soundly, there is no one else.

Daha squinted and lay at He Xiner's feet, one person and one dog were already asleep.

Speechless all the way.

By the time the carriage entered the county seat, it was past the end of the day.

There were so many people walking on the street, the carriage could only drive slowly, so when it arrived at the He Mansion, it was already a moment of Shen Shi.

The carriage stopped at the side door, and when He Xiner took Da Ha out of the car, she saw that Steward Ren had already directed many servants and servants to carry their luggage.

The nine brothers, Ye Mancang and Ye Mantun, have already been sent to the field, and they can no longer accompany each other on the walk, so they all reluctantly bid farewell to He Xiner.

"Sister Xin'er, don't worry, when Dabai comes back, I will bring him to find you as soon as possible."

"Oh, I see."

He Xiner smiled lightly, "Brother Hall and the brothers all go back, it will be dark when we get home. Be careful on the way."

"it is good."

Ye Mancang's eyes were reddish, and his voice choked with sobs.

After waving goodbye to a row of nine cousins, He Xiner turned around.

A well-dressed lady in charge has long since greeted her, "Mother Jiang, the old lady has been waiting for a long time, and it can be said that she is desperate. The second lady told me that when the young lady arrives, she will go directly to Songhe Hall."

This is not even given time to wash your face.

He Xin'er's face was calm, she didn't look sideways, she didn't care.

Mother Jiang, who listened to the order, was a little impatient, and the second lady was going to make a mistake.

"Miss, the old lady is looking forward to you very much, don't delay..."

"lead the way."

The clear and clear voice, crisp and cold, choked off all the words behind the mother Jiang, and the lady in charge suddenly opened her eyes wide.

Is this a lady from the countryside?
Take a closer look, her appearance is indeed somewhat similar to that of the Da Furen, but, but don't the country girls all wear burlap clothes covered with patches?
She was so shocked that her eyes almost popped out.

He Xiner frowned, "Could it be that I have horns growing on my head?"

"Huh? No, no, no."

"No horns, what do you mean staring at me like that?"

"Ah? I, I..."

The woman never expected that this was a difficult master, and the general's shock hadn't completely dissipated, and now she was questioned one after another, at a loss for words, and didn't know what to say.

Now it was Jiang Nanny's turn to frown, while Su He and Su Lian looked at each other, and thought to themselves that this man was not so stubborn when he had nine cousins ​​following him, why is he so angry now that he is alone?

In fact, how did they know that He Xiner simply disliked other people's straightforward gazes. That person was like looking at some rare animal, so it's no wonder she didn't dislike it.

"The servants in the house, when they talk to the master, do they all call themselves me?"

Mother Jiang...

On the carriage, she deliberately tried to test it out. She didn't wait to say anything, and secretly accused this person, and she didn't see what she said. Are you eating explosives now?

"My servant made a mistake, please forgive me this time, my lord."

The woman was quite clever, and after she cleared her mind, she turned around quite quickly.

It's not that He Xiner is holding on to this trivial matter. Seeing that her attitude is not bad, she doesn't care about her, she nods slightly, and moves slowly.

(End of this chapter)

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