The charming girl of the farm gate of crossing

Chapter 1509 It's really petty

Chapter 1509 It's really petty

The woman in charge who came to pick him up bent slightly, leading the way on the left front side.

He Xin'er's heart was like still water, without any waves, she walked forward silently, turning a blind eye to the exquisite pavilions and beautiful scenery of the mansion.

Her eyes were clear and her face was calm, showing no emotion.

Mother Jiang became more and more uncertain about her temper.

Ordinarily, shouldn't it be a kind of disgusting look for a country girl to enter the house of a wealthy family for the first time?
Don't they all look around, it's good to look at everything, and you can't move your eyes when you look at it;
Aren't they all excited and excited, then humble and reserved?
Even if Lao Ye's family is not so poor that they can't get rid of the pot, but they are absolutely incomparable with He's family, how can she remain indifferent?
She's just a 13-year-old yellow-haired girl, but she can hold her breath.

Jiang Nanny peeked at He Xiner's face, seeing that she was always at ease as usual, she couldn't help but mutter to herself, obviously she grew up in a ravine, and she insisted on putting on a world-savvy appearance, who is she trying to show?
She rolled her eyes and thought about it.

This person has a lot of thoughts, she has already returned to the mansion anyway, and is destined to be Miss He's mansion, even if she is surprised by the wealth and honor of the mansion, she is firmly suppressed in her heart and dare not show it.

You can really pretend!

This is because she is afraid that people will laugh at her from the countryside~
Thinking of this, Mother Jiang curled her lips in disdain.

Country bumpkins are just country bumpkins, even if they dress a little better, it won't change anything.

It's just a donkey dung that shines on the outside!

The satin straw bag is ostentatious.

Hmph, any young lady from a rich family can read and write, and can play piano, chess, calligraphy and painting. She is a wild girl who can't read big characters, and even the two concubines in the second room are a hundred times more noble than her.

Jiang Nanny walked all the way, poking her belly secretly all the way, belittling He Xiner to the dust, even Su He and Su Lian were also flirting with each other, curling their lips and rolling their eyes from time to time, all kinds of small movements continued.

He Xiner turned a blind eye to everything, just walked quietly, Daha followed suit, obediently and cleverly.

It is said that her mind is as calm as water, but her mind has always been very active.

Her father gave her all the belongings and put them in a big wooden box. To be honest, she was really worried, don't be fooled by others.

Don't blame her for thinking too much, she is really alone, in this strange place, there is no one trustworthy, no one reliable, she is very uncertain.

The battle in He's mansion is fierce, and the mothers-in-law and maidservants are doing everything, thinking that the second room is even more eye-catching, and they still don't know how to control themselves.

Who knows who will arrange for her to serve her.

Even if he didn't intend to trick her, it would be necessary for the screwer to deceive her into coming from the countryside and stealing things unscrupulously in this mansion because she was lonely and had nothing to rely on.

Those moneys are all hard earned by parents, they are not willing to spend them themselves, and they must not make it easier for others to go.

He Xiner looked down at Daha, who was well-behaved and quiet, and sighed secretly in her heart, if Dabai was here, she wouldn't have to worry about doing things, this little guy's combat effectiveness would not be enough.

But something is better than nothing.

"Daha, go and show me your luggage, my sister doesn't like other people messing around with her things."

After getting the order, Daha ran away. It only needed to look for the smell of the wooden box, which was fine.

Mother Jiang and the others were dumbfounded.

I've never seen anything like this before. It's just some old clothes. Who cares? You even sent a dog to look at them, treating people like thieves?
Really petty.

Not to mention, He Xiner is really a thief guard.

If Dabai was here, she wouldn't have to be so careful, even if someone stole it, she could still find it.

But for now, it's better to take precautions against unburned.

(End of this chapter)

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