Chapter 1510 Miss is here
Facts have proved that she was not wrong at all, someone really wanted to take advantage of the chaos.

Seeing that He Xiner was well dressed, someone started to think, there are eight big boxes of things, maybe there may be valuable things, and while people are not looking, they pawned some outside, so that they would have money to buy wine and drink.

The eldest lady was imprisoned by the old lady, and the whole backyard was controlled by the second lady, and the elder lady didn't say anything when he was not at home, and even if he was at home, he didn't care about the inner house. I don't have any contacts here, isn't it the second lady who can handle it as she wants?
Even if she stole something from her, no one would make the decision for her. The Second Madam wished that someone would trample her, hehe...

Although the copper lock is strong, it is not difficult for a thief who has a heart. .

It's a pity that the man didn't find a chance to attack, Da Ha ran over, and sat down in front of the locked box, motionless.

It's okay to do it secretly, after all, no one knows that he did it, but if it makes the dog bark and everyone knows about it, it will not end well.

The man gave Daha a bitter look, and had no choice but to leave resentfully.

The housekeeper can't stay in the backyard for too long. The general butler is already calling for someone. He originally planned to be the last one to go out. It only takes a little time to get the things, but this damn dog ran away Come on, spoil his good deeds.

Before leaving the small courtyard, he couldn't help but look back at the whole courtyard, and the corners of his lips curled up coldly.

Of the eight large wooden boxes, only one was locked with a brass lock, and a dog ran to guard it. If it was said that there was nothing valuable, no one would believe it.

Well, that family loved her a lot, maybe they gave her a lot of money.

Hey, it's good to have money~
Sooner or later, I will be cheaper.


Besides, no matter how big the He Mansion is, it will always come to an end, not to mention that the He Mansion is not too big. He Xiner and his party quickly entered the backyard, and a maid woman had already reported all the way in, "Miss is here!"

"Miss is here!"

The corners of He Xiner's mouth twitched.

She really wanted to say: Fuck your sister's miss, the baby is not rare!
Exhaled helplessly, and continued walking.

Entering a grand and magnificent garden, it was the Songhe Hall of the most powerful person in the He Mansion, the old lady. He Xiner walked along the hand corridor at a leisurely pace.

In the main room, the thick red satin door curtain embroidered with auspicious and rich peonies was raised high by a little maid. She had a big smile on her face, but she froze the moment she saw He Xiner.

He Xiner lifted her skirt and stepped over the threshold.

The outdoor sun was bright and bright, but the indoor light was slightly dark. She squinted her eyes slightly, not being used to it, and looked at the room full of birds and birds, red and green dancing, surrounded by pearls and emerald greens. Eyeballs rounded, Qi Qi looked at her.

She frowned subconsciously.

So many people, do they treat her like a monkey?

Not to mention, they really wanted to see monkeys.

Otherwise, why is the second lady in such a rush~
Ordinarily, after driving all the way, she should be asked to go back to her own yard, have a rest, wash up, change clothes and then come to visit the old lady.

That's the rule of the big family, and the juniors should not be allowed to come to see people unkempt.

Moreover, it was He Xiner's first time entering the mansion, and she didn't even know where her own nest was, and she didn't have time to settle down, so she hurriedly asked her to face the big family.

Don't you just want to see her, the original image of a country girl?
Well, according to the thinking of the second lady, the country girl's film is worthless, and no one wants it, and she is forced to give it to the old Ye's family. They still have to order her around and try to torture her?
The farmer's family was already so poor that they couldn't afford to eat a few meals throughout the year, and she was in such a situation, so her life was even more miserable.

(End of this chapter)

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