Chapter 1511 This is a giggle
According to the second lady's idea, He Xiner should look like this: a 13-year-old little girl, Pianzi, who has not had enough to eat all year round, is skinny and skinny from starvation, has a sallow complexion, frizzy hair, dull eyes, and a rough patched body. Linen clothes, and a pair of rough black claws full of calluses...

Moreover, a country girl who has never seen the world, came to the huge He Mansion, entered this magnificent hall, saw a group of noble women, all of them were gorgeous and noble, and everyone was dressed in jewels. I will definitely feel inferior to the dust, I must be trembling and shrinking, I guess, I am so embarrassing that I want to get into the cracks in the ground. .

However, what did she see?
The green onion girl, slim and graceful, like a white lotus out of water, spotless~
The small and delicate oval face is bright and majestic, the delicate skin is full of frost and snow, the slender eyebrows are dark without drawing, the bright red lips are vermilion without touching, and the almond eyes are clear and clear, shining like stars, and the waves of light flow between glances, so beautiful things~
Looking at her clothes, she is also very gorgeous. The pink satin skirt embroidered with exquisite patterns of spring flowers and autumn fruits is romantic and graceful, showing a girlish temperament that is out of dust, elegant and vulgar.

The girl in front of her is wearing a bun in a bun, lively and pretty, adorned with a pair of bright pearl flowers full of pearls, strings of pearl tassels, as she walks, gently shaking, light pink chalcedony, jewels.

And she is demure and indifferent, graceful, her eyes are clear and peaceful, calm and calm, being stared at by so many people, she always looks calm and calm~
All the Yingying and Yanyan in the room looked straight.

Even the old lady at the head was quite surprised.

In terms of appearance, the child's brows and eyes, there is a faint shadow of the old master, but it is several times more beautiful than the old master, even the big girl can't compare with this girl.

When everyone was stunned, the second lady gave Jiang Nanny a hard look.

"Oh, this is Erni girl, right? Look at this juicy, white and tender little face, I'm afraid you can get water when you pinch it. It doesn't look like a child who grew up in the country. This is called natural beauty, really. What a stunning beauty! It compares all the women in our room to the dirt..."

The corners of He Xiner's mouth twitched.

What kind of enmity is this with her, to trick her like this?

Before she could say anything, she had already offended the whole room.

He Xiner stood up pretty, calm and indifferent, her moist eyes fixed on the rich and kind old lady on Luo Hantao.

She was wearing a dark crimson beige, a dark green woven gold horse-face skirt, her hair was pulled up in a high bun, and she wore a full head of gold hairpins, and she was swaying with five phoenix pearls in her hand. She wore a large emerald inlaid jade on her forehead, giving her a graceful appearance. Luxurious, dignified atmosphere.

"Xin'er has seen the old lady."

She slightly bent her knees and made a not-so-standard blessing.

The clear voice, like pearls falling on a plate, is crisp and sweet.

The second lady, who was still giggling in a pretentious way, paused, her exaggerated smile froze on her face, she gritted her teeth secretly, "Xin'er? Is this the name I just gave when I knew Huifu? Hmm, it sounds nice. , much better than Erni! Hehehe..."

I'm going, it's a giggle!
He Xiner looked over indifferently, "I don't know who this is?"

It's really funny, the room is full of people, there are a lot of maids and women, and a group of gorgeously dressed women, all staring at me like watching monkeys, and no one to introduce.

Even the kind-faced old lady above remained silent, allowing this long-faced woman to jump up and down, not knowing what it meant?
When she was pregnant with the most authoritative old lady, she finally heard her mouth open, "Girl, come here and show grandma."

Second Madam Kong's smile froze again...

(End of this chapter)

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