The charming girl of the farm gate of crossing

Chapter 1512 One Didn't Remember

Chapter 1512 One Didn't Remember
Kong frowned, and stepped forward to take He Xiner's hand, and patted it affectionately, "Good boy, come and see your grandmother, oh my, the old lady has been looking forward to your return since morning, I hope it's almost dark now..."

This person's skill in applying eye drops is really not a cover-up, and he doesn't cheat her all the time.

He Xiner glanced lightly at her hand, with long nails painted in bright red Danko, and pinched the back of her hand hard. It wasn't painful, but it was too frightening.

"Madam, you hurt me."

The old lady with a kind face and a friendly smile was originally looking at He Xiner kindly, but upon hearing that, she turned her eyes and looked straight at the second lady with sharp eyes.

Kong's back is like a thorn.

"Hey, oh, blame me, blame me, this happiness has lost control, quickly let Second Aunt take a look..."

After only staying for a moment, she immediately started to work again, "Jiang Momo is still doing there in a daze, hurry up and get Sanyu Ointment, rub it for Miss Fourth."

"Need not."

He Xiner ignored her, took the opportunity to withdraw her arm, and went straight to the old lady's side.

Just stand like this, taller than the old lady, but there is no embroidered pier or anything on the lower head, and none of the maids has eyesight, oh, maybe they just don't want to take care of her, understand.

But she didn't want to kneel down either, she had no choice but to bow her head.

"Old lady."

The highest authority in the He Mansion, Mrs. Zhou's old eyes sparkled, she smiled and took her hand, and patted it lightly, "My good boy, I have wronged you all these years."

No, I am not wronged at all.

Baby is fine.

The dark and tough face of the father, the beautiful and euphemistic face of the mother, and the handsome and handsome face of the lobby brother, flashed in front of my eyes one by one, and they were still in Cuizhi, Yuanyuan, cousin, uncle, aunt, and Mancang. Hall brother...

All the people she likes appear in front of her eyes like light and shadow~
The bottom of my heart is tingling, and my nose is sour that I am about to shed tears.

He Xiner bowed her head and remained silent.

So, why is she here?
Everyone in the room was full of ghosts, and everyone seemed to be looking at some strange creature. Yes, they looked at it unabashedly, with a kind of superior scrutiny, and a faint hostility.

When she is willing to come to this broken place.

She wanted to go home, to a home where she had parents, cousins, cousins, and good friends...

Her chest was stuffed like a ball of cotton, and she was so stuffy that she couldn't breathe.

"Who doesn't tell me, this child has really suffered a great grievance. She was originally a noble daughter-in-law, but her sister-in-law..."

"Cough, cough..."

The old lady glanced over coldly, and the other party immediately stopped talking, twisting the veil awkwardly, looking quite embarrassed.

"Shaoyao, don't bring an embroidered stool for Miss Fourth."


A pretty maid with a round face took an embroidered stool with a red woven gold cushion, "Miss Si, please sit down."

He Xiner nodded and sat down firmly.

The old lady looked at her calmly all the time, seeing her unfazed, indifferent and detached appearance, she was suspicious in her heart, it was just an ordinary farmer's family, how could they raise their children so dignifiedly?
"Good boy, no matter what happened before, it's good to be back now. You are He Fuming's righteous Fourth Miss. This is your home. Your yard has just been tidied up. If you are not satisfied with anything, just say..."

He Xiner smiled and said, "I came to the old lady first when I entered the mansion. I don't know where my yard is, but everything in the mansion is good, so there must be nothing wrong with it."

Hearing this, the old lady's eyes flickered, and she praised with a gentle smile, saying that she is well-behaved and sensible, and then asked the nurse in charge to introduce everyone present to her one by one.

First of all, she was giggling, He Xiner had already guessed that she was the second wife of the family, and now the head of the backyard.

Then the first young master He Jiaheng's wife Jiang Shi, the second young master He Jiayu's wife Yin Shi, the third young master He Jiaxuan's wife Chai Shi, the second young lady He Chuer, and the third young lady He Qier. .

Among them, the Eldest Young Master and the Third Young Master are from the eldest family, and they are all concubines, the Second Young Master and the unmarried Fourth Young Master are the legitimate sons of the second house, and the second and third young ladies are all concubines from the second house.

The married eldest lady, He Lan'er, is a descendant of the big house.

He Xiner...

One did not remember.

(End of this chapter)

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