Chapter 1513 Two Big Maids

In terms of ranking, He Xiner is Miss Fourth, the youngest grandchild.

There are also Pei Qinglian, the best friend of the Second Miss He Chuer, and Gao Mengyao, the best friend of the Third Miss He Qier, and the others are maidservants.

Those who follow the master are first-class maidservants, all of them are well-dressed, and those who don't know are still young ladies.

Regarding the behavior of the second and third misses, He Xiner was very clear about it. This is because she invited good friends to watch the fun!

The people in the second room are really...

In any case, all the female relatives in the family knew each other.

As for her honorary mother, she was put into some corner and didn't show up, and the aunts and concubines in the two rooms were all unworthy of the stage and had no right to be in the old lady's room.

Everyone has known each other before, so she can't stay here. No matter where the yard arranged for her is, whether it is square or round, good or bad, it can be regarded as her new nest, and she can avoid everyone. It's better to stay quietly by myself than to make false promises to others like this.

From the very beginning, when He Xiner entered Songhe Hall, no one poured tea and water. She was indifferent and didn't say anything.

After sitting in the carriage for more than two hours, without washing or resting, I was dragged here to be treated like a monkey by them. How dare I pretend to serve you tea and snacks?

It doesn't matter whether she is wronged or not, and there is nothing to be angry about. She just feels boring, completely boring.

He Xiner's mood faded.

"Fourth sister, tell us something new in the countryside. I heard that the girls in the country are going crazy, and they won't flirt with Piboy, climbing trees to dig out bird's nests, going down the river to catch fish, everything..."

"Oh, that's really interesting. My second sister and I stay at the house all day, or we play the piano and embroider with a few younger sisters. It's really boring..."

"Fourth sister..."

He Xiner wanted to give her a face.

"Okay, the fourth girl should be tired after walking all the way, go back to her own yard to rest for a while, and get familiar with your yard."

As soon as the old lady opened her mouth, the buzzing like a giant fly stopped.

"From the second family, how many maids did you point out in the fourth maid's room?"

The second wife, Mrs. Kong, immediately replied, "Back to the old lady, the rules for the fourth girl are the same as that of the second girl and the third girl. There are two big maids and four young maids."

"Come on tomorrow, according to the order of the second girl and the third girl, make a few sets of clothes for the fourth girl, and add some jewelry."

Kong cursed secretly in her heart, she deserves it!
"Yes, my daughter-in-law remembered it."

Kong rolled his eyes, giggled and said, "The fourth girl's yard hasn't been named yet, and I'm waiting for her to make up her own mind."

"Qingxin secluded residence."


Such a name suddenly appeared in her mind, which was very suitable for He Xiner's appetite, so she happily decided on the name of the courtyard.

Kong originally wanted to see her make a fool of herself, thinking that a country girl who couldn't read big characters could come up with a good name for her, she would definitely have to hold back for a long time and lose face.

As a result, as soon as she finished speaking, the other party opened her mouth crisply, which completely stunned her.

He Xiner raised her eyes to look at her, her moist eyes were foggy, and she couldn't see any emotion, "Qingxin Youju, the name of my yard."


The second young lady, He Chuer, has always been good at currying favor with the mistress, and when she saw that Kong was frustrated in finding fault, she giggled, "The fourth younger sister was named after her own name, it's really interesting."

"Qingxin and secluded residence, it's hard to understand how the fourth sister came up with it..."

He Xiner couldn't bear it any longer, she got up to say goodbye to the old lady, Kong quickly winked, and the people around her immediately went out and called in two maidservants.

"These are the two big maids in the fourth girl's courtyard, and they will be yours from now on."

"Slave Bell (Lanzhi) has met Miss Fourth."

(End of this chapter)

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