The charming girl of the farm gate of crossing

Chapter 1517 The closet is also empty

Chapter 1517 The closet is also empty
At the same time, the brocade handkerchief in the hands of the second wife, Kong, has been pulled out of shape by her, just like her face, which is about to be deformed by anger.

"A whole eight wooden boxes of luggage?"

Mother Jiang replied respectfully, "Yes, there are eight wooden boxes full."


Kong was dizzy with anger, and slammed on the thick huanghuali table, almost knocking the teacup flying out.

"That slut of the Song family! Scattering the money from the public house everywhere, only the dowry of that little slut, He Lan'er, used up half of the family property. , is enough to bully others, who knows that the girl raised in the country is also well-clothed and well-fed, and she lives so freely. It makes me mad!"

"Crack! Crash..."

The more she thought about it, the angrier she became, she dropped the teacup on the ground without any hassle. The anger in her heart was slightly reduced by two points as the exquisite and expensive white jade teacup with bucket flowers fell into pieces.

Mother Jiang signaled the little girl to clean up the broken porcelain on the floor, and then sent the people out, then said, "I don't think the family is taken care of by the eldest lady."

"Hey~, it wasn't the money given by that bitch, but they are willing to buy a decent outfit for that bitch because they are digging food in their dirt dens?"

"Although the old slave can't figure out where the family got the money, the man and the woman really don't know the identity of the fourth lady, and they are still crying and refusing to let her go."

"Oh? Let's hear it."


So, Mother Jiang started from the beginning, until she left Yejia Village, a group of elders sent her to the entrance of the village with red eyes, and said that it was the woman, who was crying so hard that she was so sad.

"So, the couple don't know that little bastard He Jiaming at all?"


Kong rolled his eyes, and said angrily, "Even if they don't know, it doesn't mean that the money in his family wasn't given by that bitch Song."

Mother Jiang pondered and didn't say anything else. She still knew about her wife's temper, so if she couldn't get any benefits, it's better to say less.

"Now that Miss Fourth is at the mansion, she is living under Madam's command. Neither Da Madam nor Old Ye's family can subsidize her anymore. Madam has the final say on what will happen in the future."

She is the second wife's confidant, so she knows what Kong likes to hear.

No, Kong, who was so angry that he became a toad, said it very proudly, holding a handkerchief to cover his mouth, and smiled frightfully, "It's just a country girl, even if she has great abilities, she can't do it." It can't fly out of my old lady's palm. Left and right, the days to come are still long..."


He Xiner stood quietly in the quiet courtyard, looking carefully.

The yard is small, beautiful and exquisite, and the garden is full of autumn chrysanthemums in full bloom, beautiful and colorful.

Her face was calm, showing no emotion.

Luo Hua carefully raised the red silk curtain, He Xiner stared at it and frowned.

The bright red silk door curtain is really bright enough, but she doesn't like it.

After entering the room, she frowned even deeper, and glanced at all the furnishings, the Eight Immortals table, the drum stool, the dressing table, the imperial concubine furniture, the antique shelf, the screen, the wardrobe and other furniture, all of them were not inappropriate, but they were all in place outside. It is a bright red silk object, the tablecloth, cushions, and even the curtains on the canopy bed are also bright red silk, which is really hard to describe.

There are three rooms, the east room separated by the screen is the bedroom, and the west room separated by the ancient shelves is a place similar to a study room, with only a short desk, two bright red futons, and empty bookshelves.

Looking at the Bogu shelf again, it is still empty.

That's all, the most ridiculous thing is that the closet is also empty.

The second lady is really capable.

He Xiner couldn't help feeling that her mother and aunt were so wise, if they weren't for their thoughtfulness, she wouldn't even have a change of clothes.

(End of this chapter)

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