The charming girl of the farm gate of crossing

Chapter 1518 This is how you judge people by their appearance

Chapter 1518 This is how you judge people by their appearance

The bed was not empty, and the quilts were all new, and it was this bright red silk that she really couldn't appreciate.

Look at the dresser, well, it's empty.

Baozi's face was full of flowers, and he whispered softly, and said carefully, "Miss Si, you should be tired after walking all the way. It's better to take a break first and refresh your spirit."

The light rain with melon seed face also whispered, "The servant girl will order someone to prepare hot water for the young lady to take a bath."


He Xiner looked indifferently, and the manners of the two maids were indeed pretty good.

At this time, the red door curtain was opened, and two young maids around ten years old, one was carrying a beautiful round tray with fragrant tea and snacks on it;

After the two came in, they saluted politely and called Miss, but they stood still.

Luo Hua and Wei Yu stepped forward, those who received the refreshments received the refreshments, those who received the copper basins received the copper basins, and along the way ordered the little girl to bring hot water.

He Xiner didn't need anyone else, she washed her hands and drank tea slowly.

"Where is the dog I brought?"

"Miss Hui, the dog has been staying in the east wing, guarding all the big wooden boxes dutifully."

Ever since she entered He's residence, her chest felt like a ball of cotton was stuffed in her chest. Yes, He Xiner was almost breathless. Now that someone praised Daha for his conscientiousness, she couldn't help but curl her lips into a small smile.

"Luo Hua led someone to check the contents of several wooden boxes, and tidy up the autumn clothes, shoes and socks, and daily necessities."


"From now on, my clothes, jewelry and other items will be kept by you. If there is something missing, you are the only one to ask."

The servant girl named Luohua felt her heart tremble, and hurriedly replied, "Yes, the maidservant has made a note of it."

She curtseyed and retreated, and went to find someone to clean up the work.

"Wei Yu, all the maids in the yard will be under your care from now on. If there is any trouble, just drive them away."


The light rain with melon seed face, delicate face, clear eyes, very capable and sharp, He Xiner quite likes it.

Well, that's how we judge people by their appearance.

Now that he has followed her, he is her person, and she can use it as she pleases...

Soon a little maid came back to report that the hot water was ready, He Xiner was not used to being waited upon for bathing and changing, so she went to the ear room alone.


He Mansion has a large population. On weekdays, everyone is busy with their own activities and eats their own food. They only get together on the first and fifteenth day of the Lunar New Year, and there are major festivals.

Today's family banquet was specially organized for He Xiner's return home.

Both the head of the family, the elder He Hongjin, and the second elder, He Hongzhang, were not at the house, and the aunt and concubine were not qualified to participate in this kind of occasion. Therefore, the so-called family banquet had only one table, um, a rather large table.

The female relatives include the old lady, the second wife Kong, the eldest young lady Jiang, the second young lady Yin, the third young lady Chai, as well as the second lady He Chuer, the third lady He Qier, and the fourth lady He Xiner.

Furthermore, the four young masters in the house are all there.

The first young master He Jiaheng, the second young master He Jiayu, the third young master He Jiaxuan, and the fourth young master He Jiajie.

As the youngest He Xiner, everyone has to be called brother.

She changed into an elegant apricot-coloured forging skirt, and she wore a bun in a bun, not even pearl flowers, so she was refreshing, fresh and graceful.

Compared with her, He Chuer and He Qier, who were full of emeralds and dressed in gorgeous gold-woven dresses, looked too mature, with rich and delicate makeup, they lost the innocence and delicacy of girls.

He Chu'er and He Qi'er looked at her skirt and felt teeth ache.

The second wife, Kong Shi, was about to explode with anger. She deliberately didn't prepare clothes before, in order to embarrass her and make her look ugly.

She has thought it all over, even the old lady is not afraid to ask, there are too many miscellaneous things at home, and there are times when she can't take care of it for a while.

Big deal, just ask Sanya to pick up an old clothes for her on the spot.

Haha, that's the real embarrassment~
In the end, this dead girl didn't do what she wanted again.

(End of this chapter)

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